515 Anglais dissertations gratuites 361 - 390
Produire des contenus digitaux
Produire des contenus digitaux Mission 1 : Elaborer une strategie de communication omnicanale 1. Relevez dans le discours de Marcel Dubois les éléments que vous pourrez exploiter pour rédiger du contenu de communication. Les éléments exploitables pour rédiger du contenu de communication sont les suivants : Orientation vers la sécurité
1 265 Mots / 6 Pages -
Projet anglais : la musique est-elle seulement utiliser pour divertir ?
Oral anglais : la musique est-elle seulement utiliser pour divertir ? Hello everyone, today i’m going to present to you the aim of the music and why we can say that music is not just use to entertain people (changement de diapo) Indeed, like this moment, the music : 1.
393 Mots / 2 Pages -
Questions on humanism
1. Questions for the stappled sheets Thanks to the question (mainly, the vocabulary), find the answer in the text. Underline it in pencil and add the question number in the margin. On your page of notes, create a new and simple sentence to « traduce » the information. Don't forget
296 Mots / 2 Pages -
Quiet BPD & Relationships
Love, Loss, and the BPD Tango: A 38-Year-Old's Unfiltered Tale Hey, I'm John, and This is My Unvarnished Story. At 38, my love life's been nothing short of a wild, heart-wrenching rollercoaster, thanks to my silent dance partner – quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It's been a journey of fiery
401 Mots / 2 Pages -
Qu’est-ce que l’époque moderne ?
Histoire moderne Séance 1 : Qu’est-ce que l’époque moderne ? Plan : Introduction I. Le début de l’époque moderne II. La fin de l’époque moderne III. Les caractéristiques de l’époque moderne Conclusion Introduction : L’histoire est divisée en 4 époques : l’antiquité (jusqu’en 500 après Jésus-Christ), le Moyen Age, l’époque
5 401 Mots / 22 Pages -
Racial discrimination in australian schools
racial discrimination in australian schools Aujourd’hui, dans cette présentation, j’ai décidé de vous parler du thème du racisme, et plus précisément de la discrimination raciale présente dans les écoles australiennes. Avant toute chose, il me semble important de rappeler une définition du racisme. En effet, dans ce contexte, nous définissons
1 429 Mots / 6 Pages -
Railway through india
Séquence 3 railway through india 1. Anticipation This document is a photograph, the scene takes place in a train station. The place is overcrowded, we can even see people on the roof. We can guess the country is India. Key issue : how does the railway reflect India's complex identity
1 193 Mots / 5 Pages -
Ranking Ben And Jerry’s Ice Cream From Worst to Best!
Ranking Ben And Jerry’s Ice Cream From Worst to Best! Best opinion of 2023 by Luna Arcuri Did you know that the world's largest ice cream sundae was 27 102 pounds? This was done with none other than the family favourite, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream! Ben and Jerry’s which
903 Mots / 4 Pages -
Rapport entreprise en Anglais
le nom ? The name of my company is SURFY. digital solution create 3d and 2d plan. the goal is to digitize workspaces and facilitate the task of hr and work in worldwilde ou elle est ? the company is based in Paris cb d’employé ? apointment = rendez vous
2 267 Mots / 10 Pages -
RCDD satisfaction client
• CHAPITRE 6 • RCDD I - Apprécier la performance et la qualité du service client 1 l Quantitatif Plusieurs centaines d’indicateurs de performance sont disponible pour mesurer une activité, ils permettent de mesurer le progrès réalisé ou a réalisé pour atteindre l’objectif, les indicateurs quantitatifs permettent d’évaluer la
839 Mots / 4 Pages -
Reading comprehension questions
5. Reading comprehension questions Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false. 1. In the article, the author compares influencers to popular teenage students in their ability to decide what is and isn’t fashionable. 2. According to the article, advertising used to be a lot more
449 Mots / 2 Pages -
Redaction anglais amazon kindle
Amazon kindle * Good morning, welcome to Argos,my name is Anais * How can I help you ? * What are the places where you like to read ? * How many books do you read for week? * Have you considered the environmental impact? * So,as I understand your
267 Mots / 2 Pages -
Resume a bias problem
“A Bias Problem” is an article written by Jackie Koerner in June 2019. In this article, the author write about her complicated relationship with Wikipedia and the problems coming along with it. In the first paragraph, Jackie explains that she has mixed feeling about Wikipedia. She likes working with other
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Résumé The Fun they Had de P. Asimov
You have a voice 1-The young people in this video are : * Greta THUNBERG is an autistic girl and activist for ecology. She is born in January 3rd, 2003 in Sweden. She is fighting for the climate change and the global warming. * Salvador GOMEZ-COLON is born in Puerto
390 Mots / 2 Pages -
Review of the movie : The Whale
Review: The Whale I saw this movie yesterday and I cannot stop to think about it so I am going to write about it, like a review. (I’m going to ask myself some questions because if I do not do that I will certainly talk about the movie for more
1 608 Mots / 7 Pages -
Royaume Uni, monarchie parlementaire
Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire Elizabeth II - 1952 Accession au trône, record du plus long règne (battu en 2015) Chef d’état * Nomme son PM * Rôle représentatif * Rôle consultatif * Commandant en chef des armées * Gouverneur Suprême de l’Eglise Anglicane Monarchie encadrée 1215 : Magna Carta (grande
2 361 Mots / 10 Pages -
Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire
Royaume-Uni : Monarchie parlementaire Elizabeth II - 1952 Accession au trône, record du plus long règne (battu en 2015) Chef d’état * Nomme son PM * Rôle représentatif * Rôle consultatif * Commandant en chef des armées * Gouverneur Suprême de l’Eglise Anglicane Monarchie encadrée 1215 : Magna Carta (grande
2 361 Mots / 10 Pages -
Rural fragmentation Texas
Rural fragmentation refers to the process of breaking up large areas of rural land into smaller, disconnected parcels that are owned by different individuals or corporations. This can happen due to a variety of factors, including the construction of roads, highways, and other infrastructure that make, previously undisturbed rural land
419 Mots / 2 Pages -
Safety at work : exercice à trous
Vidéo « SAFETY AT WORK » 1- The man ……………………. (glisser) on the wet ground. He ………. be more cautious (conseil) He ………. avoid to walk where the ground is soaked ( interdiction) 2- The man ………………… (trébucher) in an electrical wire and …………… (blesser) his colleague ! His behaviour
324 Mots / 2 Pages -
School Is Necessary to Become Successful in Life
School Is Necessary to Become Successful in Life 1 – How do you define success? Everyone has a different definition of the word. 2 – Education is a thing which is required in every sector. Most carers require a degree (college or university). The number of employers requiring a postsecondary
321 Mots / 2 Pages -
Science et scientifiques (1870-1914)
Colle histoire : Science et scientifiques 1870-1914 Introduction Lors du premier congrès de l’Association française pour l’avancement des sciences (AFAS) réuni à Bordeaux en 1872, Jean-Louis-Armand de Quatrefages de Bréau, zoologiste et anthropologue français déclara : « La science est aujourd’hui partout ; elle tend de plus en plus à
2 958 Mots / 12 Pages -
Scrabble on the Moon
What a fascinating question! While it's not possible to play Scrabble on the Moon in the classical sense, I can offer some creative and imaginative ideas on how to play a lunar version of Scrabble. Keep in mind that these are purely fictional and not meant to be taken literally.
455 Mots / 2 Pages -
Self-driving cars
Introduction En anglais : Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about self-driving cars. Have you ever heard of a car that can drive itself? That's what we're going to learn about. Self-driving cars are vehicles that can move without a human driver. They use special technology to understand the
1 058 Mots / 5 Pages -
Séquence : Job Hunting Séance 5 : Erasmus+
Séquence : Job Hunting Séance 5 : Erasmus+ Anticiper – image HOMO ERASMUS Describe the picture and react. Deduce the meaning of the word Erasmus. Students need to apply to universities That have partnerships with their and To a scholarship (=bourse) 1 semester Or 1 academic year ERASMUS Enables you
4 035 Mots / 17 Pages -
Should children be allowed to use the internet?
Should children be allowed to use the internet? 1. Introduction Hello everybody. Today we are going to talk about a very sensitive topic which is “should children be allowed to use the internet?”. 2. Why should we let children use the internet ? The internet can be wonderful for kids.
555 Mots / 3 Pages -
Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls?
English Subject n°7 Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls? For me it’s a no. But everything depend on how you interpret the word “famous”. If we are talking about people that are famous because of their work, their job etc I don’t think it is a
304 Mots / 2 Pages -
Singapore Singapore called the Republic of Singapore is a country in South East Asia. The area of this city-state is 724 km and includes 63 islands. Its total population was 6 million and makes it the second highest population in the world among independent states. Singapore is located between Malaysia
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Singers of the 80's
Robert Dylan was born in 1941.Known as Bob Dylan, he is an American singer songwriter. His career last more than 60 years. He released some albums of contemporary gospel music before returning to his more familiar rock-based idiom in the 1980s. Tupac was an American rapper. He is widely considered
332 Mots / 2 Pages -
Sketch inflation with animals
Sketch inflation with animals Here is a sketch about inflation that you can present in class : As if that weren't enough, inflation really decided to bother us all the way by also affecting animal feed! no, no, we're dreaming, it's not possible! no because I'm not telling you the
315 Mots / 2 Pages -
Small business saturday
PARTIE 1 : Le texte de Gene Marks, publié dans *The Guardian*, critique l'initiative américaine appelée **Small Business Saturday**, une journée dédiée à la promotion des petites entreprises, célébrée chaque année après le *Black Friday*. Bien que Marks soit un fervent défenseur des petites entreprises, il trouve cette célébration humiliante
545 Mots / 3 Pages