531 Anglais dissertations gratuites 481 - 510
Une vision du Métavers
Une vision du Métavers Simon Drouin, professeur à l’École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) à Montréal, étudie comment cette technologie aide au sentiment de compréhension de ces objets et facilite la coopération entre experts, notamment dans le domaine médical. Par exemple, grâce à un traceur injecté dans le sang, il est
385 Mots / 2 Pages -
United Sates Government Hon
1. What are the requirements for someone to vote in your country? What is one requirement that you would like to see removed or added? Explain your rationale or reasoning with examples to support your idea. * In my country, in France, if you want to vote, there are four
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US Political System Overview (for Pecha Kucha)
To show understanding of the US political system, present an overview of it. The political system of the United States is often described as one of the most complex and sophisticated in the world. The country operates as a federal republic, with power divided between the national government in Washington,
1 142 Mots / 5 Pages -
USA Vs China SEA
For the USA it is very important to protect valuable shipping lanes so this conflit is showing how they are in contradiction with China, but we are hoping that it will never end as a war. China did many action to practice naval exercices and the usa were pissed about
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Veganuary question
Veganuary video Listen to the debate and answer the questions Questions 1 to 4, fill in the blanks: 1. The word comes from began and … . The most difficult thing is to pronouncing it. 2. The presenter asks if it is healthy or is it a lot of Hype?
1 210 Mots / 5 Pages -
Vendre en anglais - la poste
ACCOUNT MANAGER Job description join us ! Type of position CONTRACT under permanent contract Level of studies Tray Department Loire-Atlantique (44) City Nantes Context : LE GROUPE LA POSTE is changing, our businesses are evolving, your future is accelerating. Services-Mail-Parcels, La Banque Postale, Geopost, Network and Digital: in each of
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Verbe irrégulier
Sequence ‘United Colours of Harlem’ Objective: prepare for the final project 1. Define your objective: * A poem to denounce something * A poem to praise something * A poem to inform 2. Define a theme: 1. For a poem to denounce something: → discrimination of African-Americans → gentrification and
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Verbes irréguliers
Verbes irréguliers anglais Par ordre alphabétique Base verbale abide arise awake be bear beat become beget begin bend bet bid bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst buy Préterit abode arose awoke was, were bore beat became begat, begot began bent bet bid, bade bit bled blew
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Verbes irréguliers
Introduction aux Verbes Irréguliers Les verbes irréguliers en anglais sont ceux qui ne suivent pas la règle générale de formation du passé simple et du participe passé en ajoutant "-ed" à la base verbale. Par exemple, le verbe "walk" devient "walked" au passé simple et au participe passé, mais les
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Verbes irréguliers d'anglais
PAST SIMPLE – COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS French Base form Past simple devenir become became commencer begin began construire build built acheter buy bought venir come came faire do did boire drink drank manger eat ate trouver find found oublier forget forgot recevoir (avoir, devenir…) get got donner give gave aller
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Vinted case study
Vinted is an online platform where people can buy and sell second-hand clothing and accessories. Here's a detailed explanation of how Vinted works: Listing Items: If you have clothing or accessories you want to sell, you can create listings for them. You'll need to take clear photos of the items,
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Vocabulaire : link words
LINK WORDS 1. Giving additional information and – not only / but – as well as in addition – furthermore – moreover – besides – apart from The flat is too small and furthermore, it is not in the town centre. 2. Contrast but – however – nevertheless – yet
1 663 Mots / 7 Pages -
Vocabulaire anglais bts
ANGLAIS Unit 1 : Working Life * Clerial work : le travail de bureau * A computer screen : un écran d’ordinateur * To concentrate : se concentrer * To distract : déconcentrer * Efficient : efficace * A lack of privacy : un manque d’intimité * Interactions : des
1 269 Mots / 6 Pages -
Vocabulaire BTS MCO
* VOCABULARY BTS : technician degree / technician certificate Commercial : Sales representative Vendeur : Sales person, seller, shop assistant Une licence : A bachelor’s degree BUSINESS: To pay in installments : to spread the payment : payer en plusieurs fois Corporate culture : la culture de l’entreprise (valeurs) Internship
1 051 Mots / 5 Pages -
Vocabulaire d'anglais
Enormous = huge = massive. ` Énorme = énorme = massif Mankind: l’humanité. L'humanité : l'humanité Make laws. Enact laws: promulguer des lois Take up room : prendre de la place A threat : une menace fear:wory:developments. Peur: inquiétude: développement helful:useful. Utile : utile risky:dangerous. Risqué: dangereux worrying:distressing. Inquiétant: affligeant
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Vocabulaire de commerce
Document : Accord dans la téléphonie mobile entre l’État et les 4 opérateurs 1 : Justifiez l’intervention de l’État dans le marché des télécoms. L’État intervient en collaboration avec les quatre opérateurs privés de téléphonie mobile pour favoriser l’égalité d’accès des territoires à la téléphonie en éliminant les zones blanches.
1 003 Mots / 5 Pages -
Voltaire, l'Ingénu
L'Ingénu de Voltaire est un roman incontournable de la littérature française qui a connu un grand succès dès sa publication en 1767. Cette œuvre majeure de Voltaire est à la fois une satire de la société française du XVIIIe siècle et une réflexion sur la condition humaine. L'histoire de L'Ingénu
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What are the extend of the honesty in self representation ?
LOISY Maëlia DEVOIR DE SYNTHÈSE DE DOCUMENTS Terminale spécialité LLCER anglais Artists have shown themselves to express a lot of different things and emotions through so many different forms of art. T0day, we will focus on the way artists use the concept of self representation. This form has evolved a
1 224 Mots / 5 Pages -
What comes to mind when you hear the word “Bollywood” ? A distant location, a foreign language, or maybe a tragic romance story ?
Introduction: What comes to mind when you hear the word “Bollywood”? A distant location, a foreign language, or maybe a tragic romance story?While this is all true, it is only the tip of the iceberg. Bollywood is a humorous nickname for the Indian cinema industry which is considered one of
1 132 Mots / 5 Pages -
What critique of society does Kurt Vonnegut convey through the satire "Harrison Bergeron," and how do the characters develop this message?
Harrison Bergeron What critique of society does Kurt Vonnegut convey through the satire "Harrison Bergeron," and how do the characters develop this message? He is trying to convey the message that even though humans try to build a society in which everyone is equal, we will fail to accomplish it
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What does Brexit reveal about the world we live in?
What does Brexit reveal about the world we live in? * “Brexit”, pour “British exit” , ou “sortie du Royaume-Uni” en français… c’est bien ce qu’ont décidé les Britanniques le 23 juin 2016. A la question : “le Royaume-Uni doit-il rester un membre de l’Union européenne ou quitter l’Union européenne
943 Mots / 4 Pages -
What does it mean to be a young Irish person today ?
horizontal line Elise Rousseau Final Task What does it mean to be a young Irish person today ? Organise your video On your “Youth of the World” Youtube Channel, create a new video entitled “What does it mean to be a young Irish person today ?”. OBJECTIFS 1. Organise your
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What impact do witches really have ?
What impact do witches really have ? I. Introduction Ladies and gentlemen, members of the jury, today we will explore the fascinating subject: "What impact do witches really have?" Witches have always been intriguing figures, present in tales, legends and collective imagination. Their image has evolved over time, from evil
2 050 Mots / 9 Pages -
What is an intentional tort?
I- What is an intentional tort? A tort is a kind of wrongful act that causes harm to someone else. Torts can be divided according to the mental state of the person who commits them; for example, torts are often caused by a person's negligence. When the person who commits
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What is bioethics ? Explain
What is bioethics ? Explain (definition ; history, moral values, purpose) In a world that is changing at an extraordinary speed, new technological advances in the sciences, and in particular in medicine, have brought to light more and more ethical dilemmas. How to determine what is good and what is
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What is dystopia?
Dystopia Dystopia mean a fictional story that describe dark fantasy world, but it also used in science fiction. The real question is “What is dystopia?” So dystopia is made up of a society that is both post-apocalyptic based, but dystopia also shows a narrative form, danger of an idea, by
505 Mots / 3 Pages -
What is QA ?
Whath is QA ? The is the adaptability quotient ;, it reflects the ability to adapt to change. How quickly can we reorient ourselves ? How to think « problems » « solutions » ? How can we adapt to the atmosphere of continuous change ? In addition, to IQ
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What is the origin of the New Left movement ? What are their claims ?
1) What is the origin of the New Left movement ? What are their claims ? The Left and Leftist Movement is fighting for social justice, that's why they revolted against modern universities. This ideology is inspired by Marxism that can pass through Maoism. All these ideologies are against all
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What sort of society is evoked in the book The Handmaid's Tale?
LLCE - 2021 The Handmaid's Tale review. Answer to the question : What sort of society is evoked in your book? The Handmaid's Tale was written in 1985 by Margaret Atwood, it evokes a dystopian society. Indeed women are treated as objects and have to follow a lot of rules
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What’s the Americans relationship to the media ?
ANGLAIS.2 : FAKE ! What’s the Americans relationship to the media ? Faire une suppositions : - I think it could be about (Je pense qu’il pourrait s’agir de) documentary movies since (puisque) this may be from a movie or a filming - I guess the movie is about (Je
653 Mots / 3 Pages