- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


536 Anglais dissertations gratuites 301 - 330

  • Life at Google

    Life at Google

    Google recently moved its Dublin operations to a new 500,000-square-foot complex, made up of four buildings designed to resemble a bustling urban environment. The campus was planned and designed by Camenzind Evolution. This vibrant downtown urban campus was designed to encourage interaction and communication among employees. In addition to innovative

    488 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lla surveillance excessive pendant le télétravail

    Lla surveillance excessive pendant le télétravail

    Ce texte du 5 novembre 2021 est tiré du site bbc news journal britannique Qui a pour problématique la surveillance excessive pendant le télétravail Partie 1 : Augmentation de la surveillance et expériences personnelles** La pandémie a entraîné un changement massif vers le travail à domicile, incitant de nombreuses entreprises

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lolita, fiche de lecture

    Lolita, fiche de lecture

    LOLITA, A CONTROVERSIAL BOOK "Lolita" is a novel written by Vladimir Nabokov and published in 1955. "Lolita" is told from the point of view of Humbert Humbert, an intellectual man and pedophile, who develops a love obsession with Dolores Haze, a 12-year-old girl. The novel explores the thoughts and emotions

    495 Mots / 2 Pages
  • London megacity

    London megacity

    Dear Londoners, I’m running for London’s mayor. My program is based on the ecological future of the city. The time has come to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. In this way, new BedZed are going to emerge in London. BedZed is an environmentally-friendly housing development. Also a bonus will be

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Macbeth essay

    Macbeth essay

    How does Shakespeare create an intensely dramatic scene in Macbeth’s interactions with the witches? Topic sentences: 1. The use of imagery to intensify the dramatic effect 2. The stagecraft elements and supernatural apparitions demonstrate the witches evil intentions. 3. The characterisation of Macbeth himself, how his evil character is portrayed.

    1 342 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Malcom x

    Malcom x

    Malcolm X was born in Malcolm Little in 1925 (nineteen twenty five), in Omaha, Nebraska In 1931 (nineteen thirty one), Malcolm’s father was allegedly murdered by a white supremacist group called the Black Legionaries At age 6, the future Malcolm X had entered a foster home and his mother suffered

    265 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Managing your money bts anglais

    Managing your money bts anglais

    Séquence : Managing your money Describe what and who you see. .We can see in the picture, people in the shop buying clothes. . The image is a shop, there are : clients, items, cashiers who cash customers out. .This place crowded. What is your technique to avoid spending too much

    1 246 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Martin Luther King Jr, «I Have a Dream»

    Martin Luther King Jr, «I Have a Dream»

    Introduction Hello everyone, Today, we will talk to you about Martin Luther King Jr. And his iconic speech « I Have a Dream, » delivered during the March on Washington in 1963. First, we will discuss his biography and life journey. Then, we will look at the historical context and

    683 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Meeting the other(s)

    Meeting the other(s)

    Meeting the Other(s) Brainstorming : relationship – date – creating bonds – school – culture shock – to travel – new languages – unknown – prejudice – friends – business meeting – working life – love at first sight – to socialize – social media – network – sports –

    995 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Méthode de la compréhension orale en anglais

    Méthode de la compréhension orale en anglais

    BTS COMMUNICATION Compréhension orale LA COMPREHENSION ORALE L’épreuve de compréhension orale (dite CO) consiste en une restitution écrite en ANGLAIS d’un ou de plusieurs documents audio et/ou vidéos en ANGLAIS (l’audio ne doit pas excéder 3 minutes). Déroulement de l’épreuve :  L’examinateur vous remet une fiche sur laquelle figure

    737 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Michael Jackson's life

    Michael Jackson's life

    Michael Jackson's life began on August 29, 1958, in the city of Gary, Indiana. Born into a family of nine children, Michael displayed exceptional musical talent from a very young age. At the age of six, he joined the Jackson 5, a group formed with his brothers, and that's where

    486 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Multiculturalism in Great Britain: Consensus or Conflict?

    Multiculturalism in Great Britain: Consensus or Conflict?

    Multiculturalism in Great Britain: Consensus or Conflict? In the words of current UK prime minister Rishi Sunak; “our country is a fantastic multi-ethnic democracy”. This celebration of diversity brings to light a relatively new demographic dynamic: multiculturalism. However, Sunak’s views on the subject are not shared by all inhabitants and

    1 069 Mots / 5 Pages
  • National Rifle Association of America

    National Rifle Association of America

    NRA deprives americans of life, liberty and happiness. Hi everyone! Today we’re going to talk about the gun lobby. Actually, NRA has a big influence on the use of weapons in the United States. But what is the NRA? Founded in 1871 as a recreational group designed to "promote and

    730 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Nature and Nurture

    Nature and Nurture

    Amandine Bubble 1b Students’ successes at school are sometimes difficult to explain and interpret. The evaluation of nature and nurture leads to longue and vast interesting studies, to which no concrete and definitive answers have been provided yet. Both have numerous advantages but also several limits which can be highlighted

    642 Mots / 3 Pages
  • New Mexico's presentation

    New Mexico's presentation

    New Mexico(Presentation) INTRODUCTION Voir power point DEVELOPMENT History -NM- New Mexico is a state located in the south of USA The capital city of New Mexico is Santa Fe Became independent the 6th January 1912 Most spoke languages -English -Spanish 2 million inhabitants Michelle Lujan Grisham (Democrat) Weather in general;

    498 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Northern Ireland

    Northern Ireland

    Presentation about Northern Ireland By Katy McSherry – Tuesday, 11th April 2023, 8:24 AM My English teacher wants me to present Northern Island since the conflict to the class but I never been to Northern Ireland so what can I say? Re: presentation about Northern Ireland By Alienor Huerre –

    362 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notions connected to the song

    Notions connected to the song

    NOTIONS CONNECTED TO THE CHAPTER/ U2 : Irish music This chapter is connected to=is linked to three notions Identities and Exchanges Art and Power Memory and territory As we have seen throughout this unit about Ireland and ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’, Music is fully integrated into the Irish culture. It’s part

    357 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Numbers cours classe de CE1

    Numbers cours classe de CE1

    Numbers 2009 Lesson 5: Numbers Niveau de la classe : CE1 Situation de la séance dans la progression : séance 1/4 Durée : 20 min Objectifs : * grammatical / structural : what number is it ? it is number… * lexical : les nombres de 1 à 9 (oralement)

    1 601 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Objectifs pour l’examen d’histoire

    Objectifs pour l’examen d’histoire

    Objectifs pour l’examen d’histoire Passerelles 2023-2024 COMPÉTENCES 1. Savoir disciplinaire Les élèves doivent être capables de : * Appréhender un phénomène dans une perspective historique, qui soit attentive au contexte (circonstances sociales, politiques, économiques, culturelles du moment) et au temps (évolution, changements, ruptures, nouveauté), et qui évite l’anachronisme. 2. Analyse

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oliver Twist Summary

    Oliver Twist Summary

    "Oliver Twist" is a classic novel written by Charles Dickens, first published in 1837. The story follows the life of a young orphan named Oliver Twist, who endures a series of hardships and struggles in Victorian England. The novel begins with Oliver being born in a workhouse and subsequently raised

    293 Mots / 2 Pages
  • On the road

    On the road

    On the road Migrant Mother (1936) Family walking on highway, five children (1938) Towards Los Angeles (1937) 1. Choose one of the three photographs by Dorothea Lange. 2. Describe it (landscape, people’s expressions and clothes…). * The first photograph was taken in 1936 by Dorothea Lange. It is a black-and-white

    341 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Opinion on destruction of old buildings

    Opinion on destruction of old buildings

    Nowadays, more and more buildings are being left to ruin. In my opinion, the question of all old buildings in a city should be destroyed is a controversial one with both pros and cons. As far as I'm concerned, I believe that demolishing some of these old structures can lead

    298 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Optimising teenagers' well-being

    Optimising teenagers' well-being

    Optimising teenagers well-being through adjusted school start times In the early hours of the morning, the alarm clock aggressively rings as teenagers are abruptly pulled from their dreams. This familiar scenario plays out in homes across the world, where parents make use of creative strategies to wake up their adolescent

    566 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oral anglais

    Oral anglais

    ORAL ANGLAIS J’ai choisi le sujet en quoi le voyage permet-il de développer notre ouverture d’esprit ? car j’ai envie de faire une année de césure en gap Years dans un pays anglophone. La réflexion que j’ai menée pour finaliser mon projet m’a aidé à construire mon grand oral. Que

    276 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral anglais pmrc censure

    Oral anglais pmrc censure

    0INTRODUCTION * Hello everyone,Today, we’re not just going to talk about music. Today, we’re diving into a message, a revolt, a wake-up call. Firstly,we’re going to talk about All the Good Girls Go to Hell by Billie Eilish , a song that isn’t just a hit, but a real cry

    1 385 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Oral anglais sur le travail

    Oral anglais sur le travail

    The 3 documents made available to us are extracts which all are on the theme of work, they are about progressive and innovative work programs but there are similarities and differences between these types of work. I/ Work Modes All the doocuments are about work in Canada and the first

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral anglais terminale sur le dark tourism

    Oral anglais terminale sur le dark tourism

    INTRODUCTION : We decided to talk to you about the Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp and we will try to convince you to visit it. The former nazi concentration camp in Poland, categorized by the UNESCO as a cultural monument, is one of the most important symbol of world war 2

    513 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oral d'anglais

    Oral d'anglais

    Après avoir regardé attentivement le fichier vidéo « ITN Report and Metail », présentez-vous succinctement puis restituez la vidéo au professeur-correcteur en 5 minutes environ. Regarding the video, it is a report by ITN, an English television channel that broadcasts a report about online commerce, more specifically on Metail, a

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral d'anglais sur Diana

    Oral d'anglais sur Diana

    Today, I’m going to talk about Diana’s life, and more specifically about the reasons that made her an appreciated person by brittanics. During this oral , I would begin by briefly reminding you who was diana . after that I would develop the reasons that made her a loved person

    434 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral d'anglais sur l'inégalité en Inde

    Oral d'anglais sur l'inégalité en Inde

    Discrimination at birth in India is a complex issue that has plagued the country for centuries. Despite advance in modernity, this practice persists and, in some regions, has even amplified. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, deeply rooted cultural and traditional practices such as the caste system, dowry, and

    266 Mots / 2 Pages
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