TD on taxes
TD : TD on taxes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar alexdroit75 • 18 Octobre 2023 • TD • 1 484 Mots (6 Pages) • 179 Vues
Taxes were applied and sanctions were introduced. Customs officers were allowed to conduct seizures on illegal products. The troops and officers should housed and welcomed by the colonists in their own home.
The colonists were not happy to see troops coming → feeling of being an enemy and have tou house them. This act was created to raise revenue from the colonists in order to found the British army that was involved in the 7 years war that cost a lot of debts to Britain. Taxes were made to assert the authority of the Uk over the colonies. This act caused tensions between Britain and the colony, they were both angered by a financial burden. British in the colonies thought they had rights and natural rights and these were being attacked.
Taxes were on everyday goods.
They wanted first more autonomy but that lead to independence.
Initially US was a confederation but it was weak and didn’t work. Alexander Hamilton for example had big plans for confederation, they thought they need a new form of government and a new constitution so they create the union, the federation.
Federalist papers → discus the project, the new system. Constitution create the new system and power is now balanced in branch. It should oversee the others branches, it was tried in the Checks and balances system. The 3 powers have to oversee on the two others and can be oversight by the others. Le legislative made laws, laws can be cancelled by the veto of the president or stroked down by by the supreme court. Le legislative cans also override the law that was cancelled by the veto. Nominations at the supreme court → the president nominated juges but this nominations must be confirmed by the senate. Treaties are signed by the president but ratified by the legislative. Each branch can oversee the others or be oversee.
Congress have the power of the purse. Congress delegated some powers to president → sending the army in a delay under 90 days.
The supreme court → congress can change the number of judges in the supreme court, they could change it to try to fight the fact that the supreme court nowadays is to politicized. But the numbers have to be odd (impair).
The judiciary being too politicized was not an ideal of the founding fathers.
Jefferson predict that the executive will come more powerful one day.
Next week : Essay question but without introduction, just the arguments. See the aid she will upload.
Explain a quote with the knowledge in our notes. A quote and relate it with something we know.
Week 5 :
Federalists papers wrote to defend the idea they wanted to put in the new constitution, they all defend federalism and the new constitution.
They defend an idea, what the executive should like for example.
Here Hamilton talks about energy → it’s the opposite of weak. Energy is being to act, to make decisions. Some people will criticize a strong executive because like Jefferson they thought that a strong executive will be a threat to their freedom.
Hamilton wanted from the beginning a strong executive.
He proposes the idea that a single executive branch is best for the gov to run effectively and to preserve the Union.
A single executive would be better equipped to act, react, and insure that laws are properly made.
The idea of a group a people is bad because it can lead to infighting (guerre interne) and less accountability. You can’t know who to remove who to blame.
Hamilton was one of the founding fathers who was a proponent of a federal system with a strong executive.
Hamilton as the others founding fathers was a supporter of the system of check and balances.
At this time masses Tyranny was feared.
The 18TH century is known for liberalism (nowadays to be liberal is being left wing). At the time and stil today in France, liberalism is an ideology in which a limited gov is better since it protects individual freedom and economical freedom.
Hamilton thinking was not the common way to think at the time. Jefferson thinking was more accepted.
The rules and limitation now are maybe seen as too much, the executive as gain powers but was wee see as strong is now weak, scandals and crisis have fragilised the executive.
Check and balances : veto and pocket veto is a check that PR has in the congres.
The congres has the power of the purse, economical laws and the power to declare war.
Jurisdiction Appointments also. To override the veto power you can pass through the presidential veto.