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What is bioethics ? Explain

Discours : What is bioethics ? Explain. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Octobre 2023  •  Discours  •  880 Mots (4 Pages)  •  242 Vues

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What is bioethics ? Explain (definition ; history, moral values, purpose)

In a world that is changing at an extraordinary speed, new technological advances in the sciences, and in particular in medicine, have brought to light more and more ethical dilemmas. How to determine what is good and what is not ? This is the question posed by bioethics.

The word bioethics comes from the grec words bios which means life and ethos which is the study of morals. Bioethics is the field of study that explores the ethical issues posed by advances in biology and medicine.

Discussions of moral issues in medicine have existed since ancient times, but bioethics emerged as a distinct field of study in the early 1960s.

It has been influenced, not only by advances in the life sciences, but also by the significant cultural, and societal changes, taking place around the world.

It is linked not only to the fields of biology and medicine, but also to the environment, religion, philosophy, law,…

The 4 moral values of bioethics are : first the beneficence : act in the interest of the patient, the second respect the autonomy of the person (his decisions), the third the nonmaleficence : do no harm and the last the justice : act fairly.

There may be a contradiction between the two first principles:

If a patient with a terminal illness refuses treatment, should we respect his choice ?

The objective of bioethics is not so much to provide answers to moral problems, but to identify where the problems are

The subjects of bioethics are multiple and complex, I will present to you some of them :

First, in medicine the question of euthanasia :

if a person aware of these acts, asks for euthanasia because he is suffering too much, does he not have the right to have it? But should euthanasia be legalized? Some bioethicists believe that legalization could lead some patients to feel that society no longer wants them

Second, in biology the question of cloning:

If a human being was cloned, in what sense he would be a copy of his “parent”?

Indeed, each human being is unique since the human character is determined by genetics but also by the environment.

Finally, the possibility of developing technologies that would make humans immortal: then, what would be the value of life, the meaning of death? Is it right to desire immortality?

In conclusion :

The subject of bioethics occupies an important place in modern society.

For me, questions of bioethics are not reserved for "experts", they concern the general public.

However, it is very difficult to always provide a clear answer to all bioethical subjects.


Qu'est-ce que la bioéthique ? Expliquer (définition ; historique, valeurs morales, objectif)

Dans un monde qui change à une vitesse extraordinaire, les nouvelles avancées technologiques dans les sciences, et en particulier dans la médecine, ont mis au jour de plus en plus de dilemmes éthiques. Comment déterminer ce qui est bien et ce qui ne l'est pas ? C'est la question que pose la bioéthique.


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