- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


543 Anglais dissertations gratuites 241 - 270

  • How is sexism rooted in English-speaking society?

    How is sexism rooted in English-speaking society?

    INTRODUCTION How is sexism rooted in English-speaking society? For starters, what is sexism? This is the belief that members of one sex are less intelligent, capable, skillful, etc. than members of the opposite sex, especially that women are less capable than men. I chose this subject because it was obviously

    854 Mots / 4 Pages
  • How should Wikipedia be properly used?

    How should Wikipedia be properly used?

    1- A popular yet controversial website Wikipedia has changed access to knowledge: nowadays most people no longer go to the library in order to consult an encyclopedia. This is due to the fact that anyone with Internet connection and a device can find information online. In that case, the student

    626 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How to adopt a zero waste lifestyle

    How to adopt a zero waste lifestyle

    For one week I tried to adopt a waste-free lifestyle and now I will explain the changes I made and the difficulties I faced. Firstly ,I have started composting my food waste to make fertilizer for the vegetable garden. This reduces almost all food waste while eliminating packaging for fertilizer.

    288 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How to get better in english

    How to get better in english

    English is the second most studied language in the world. There have never been so many educational resources at your fingertips, articles full of miracle tricks to choose from, or online communities to motivate each other. So, you don't know where to start and you wonder how to learn English

    403 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How to improve your written comprehension

    How to improve your written comprehension

    HOW TO IMPROVE = to make better MY WRITTEN COMPREHENSION 1. Before reading, I should try to identify the document : * Check if there is a title , a name , a date , a photo which could help me ? * Is it a newspaper article ? a

    703 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How to write a paragraph - worksheet

    How to write a paragraph - worksheet

    How to write a paragraph - worksheet I- Parts of a paragraph Fill in the blanks with the following words/expressions: concluding, describe, first or second, optional, statistics, summarises, supporting, topic x2. A paragraph generally has three main parts: - a __________________ sentence

    351 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Humanitarian trip in South Africa

    Humanitarian trip in South Africa

    Questions: First of all, at the beginning, I just went in South Africa for a humanitarian trip but then I fell in love with the country and I wanted a changement concerning my environment and I also wanted to discover a new country and meet new people so I decided

    430 Mots / 2 Pages
  • I don't think of myself as handicapped compte rendu en Français

    I don't think of myself as handicapped compte rendu en Français

    Anglais Compte Rendu : L'histoire de Liz Jackson est une véritable source d'inspiration. Elle a fondé sa société de télémarketing, Great Guns, il y a six ans avec une subvention de 100 livres sterling et un prêt de 4 000 livres sterling du Prince's Trust. La société emploie maintenant 100

    354 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Identités, préjugés et discriminations : approche psychosociale

    Identités, préjugés et discriminations : approche psychosociale

    Identités, préjugés et discriminations : approche psychosociale (Tanguy Leroy) Premier module Chapitre 1 : La psychologie sociale Introduction : Psychologie ≠ forme de psychologie ≠ psychanalyse ≠ psychopathologie (étude des troubles mentaux, prise en charge de la folie ≠ mentalisme ou arts divinatoires La psychologie n’a pas une définition universelle

    7 346 Mots / 30 Pages
  • Imaginary superhero Presentation

    Imaginary superhero Presentation

    My Superhero Name : Rose Gender : girl Physical appearance: She has a sculpted figure that was thin as a twine thin. Her waist was tapered, and she has a tanned complexion. she has grey eyes with long eyelashes and a button nose. A series of dazzling white angel teeth

    691 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Impact Openheimer V02

    Impact Openheimer V02

    References Oppenheimer Security Hearing, by the Atomic Heritage Foundation, The Security Hearing of Robert Oppenheimer: An Account, in Famous Trials J. Robert Oppenheimer security hearing, by Britannica Une course contre la montre avec l’Allemagne Oppenheimer a permis à l’Amérique d’être la première puissance à disposer de l’Arme Atomique, et surtout

    516 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Indigenous people in the USA and Canada

    Indigenous people in the USA and Canada

    Anglais – topics in british and north america studies indigenous studies in canada and the united states names can have great power = the power of naming used by colonizers was a great power over the natives its time for the natives in north america to reclaim their name and

    1 194 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Internship report

    Internship report

    Internship report The firm: I had my professional experience with the NUFARM company, located outside the small town of Aubevoye. This company is also located on the bank of the river Seine.. Nufarm is a company specialised in the development, manufacturing and marketing of its customers' solutions, products for plant

    1 034 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Interview Banksy en Anglais

    Interview Banksy en Anglais

    Journalist: -Hello, Banksy, nice to meet you! Banksy: -Hi ! Nice to meet you. Journalist: -Can you describe yourself in a few words? Banksy: -Hello, I'm a British artist, better known as Banksy. Journalist: -What is your job for people who don't know you? Banksy: -I'm a painter, more specialised

    282 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Invention d'une biopic sur Katherine Switzer en anglais

    Invention d'une biopic sur Katherine Switzer en anglais

    Greetings, I’m ... and I’m the president of the school movie club and I had the opportunity to assist to the making of this year’s new movie, Run For Us, which is a movie directed by James Cameron where he desired to explore the life of Katherine Switzer, an American

    999 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Is it okay to borrow from someone else's culture ?

    Is it okay to borrow from someone else's culture ?

    Cultural appropriation Is it OK to borrow from someone else’s culture? Watch the videos then summarize them Youtube : “Watch This Documentary on Braids and Appropriation in America | ELLE” This video is a documentary about the origin of braids and the controversy around them. We can see that some

    507 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Is religion a unifying or a disunifying factor in the USA?

    Is religion a unifying or a disunifying factor in the USA?

    Martin Preuilh--Rollin AMC Synthesis Is religion a unifying or a disunifying factor in the USA? The impact of religion on America's unity or disunity is complex and multifaceted. Religion has played an important role in American history, culture, and society, with its impact varying from community to community and individual

    548 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Jack the ripper

    Jack the ripper

    PEYRARD Grégoire 4°C 01/04/20 Jack the ripper Hello! Today we will speak about Jack the ripper, Firstly we are speaking about Jack the ripper, to begin Jack the ripper is a famous serial killer in London, he is 40 years old. Then, all his clothes are black. Thanks to the

    471 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Job hunting

    Job hunting

    PME – UNIT 5 – JOB HUNTING – WORKSHEET n°3 4. Calling for a job advert SITUATION 4: you are desperate … but one day while driving you hear this radio announcement offering interesting vacancies. TASK 1 (LISTEN): take notes about the 2 vacancies - (audio – 00:55 min) JOB

    594 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Kevin Rudd apology

    Kevin Rudd apology

    Synthèse LLCE ANGLAIS The document is a speech of the former prime Minister Kevin Rudd back in 2008. On the thirteenth of February of 2008 which marks the national apology day, he made an official apology on Australia's behalf to the indigenous peoples whom lived in the country. Aboriginals have

    1 757 Mots / 8 Pages
  • King George approved of the Water Music

    King George approved of the Water Music

    Text 1: King George approved of the Water Music so much that he demanded the entire composition — lasting an hour — be repeated three times: once on the way to supper at Chelsea, once during supper, and again on the return journey. It was an immediate hit with the

    1 703 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Kingsman history

    Kingsman history

    I'm going to introduce you the Kingman history Kingman is an historic town in Arizona located along Route 66, which was once an iconic route for travelers crossing the United States. It was founded in One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two and played an important role in the history of

    391 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'intégration de l'entreprise dans son environnement

    L'intégration de l'entreprise dans son environnement

    CEJM Termes à connaitre Thème 1 : L'intégration de l'entreprise dans son environnement. Économie : * Les agents économiques et leurs rôles Ils sont bien regroupés, ce sont des individus, ils détiennent des biens, ils exercent des activités.. * Les échanges entre les agents économiques On parlera de cession, on

    1 043 Mots / 5 Pages
  • L'organisation de l'école et son fonctionnement

    L'organisation de l'école et son fonctionnement

    l'organisation de l'école et son fonctionnement la comparaison entre cette école et la vôtre ce que vous avez aimé dans cette école et comment vous vous êtes intégré à la communauté scolaire les avantages de l'expérience de l'école secondaire en Australie (esprit, développement personnel, valeurs individuelles et collectives, etc. Bonjour

    262 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'utilisation de la politique dans le Sport

    L'utilisation de la politique dans le Sport

    Sport and politics are closely linked. The use of politics in sport can have both positive and negative impacts on sporting events and on society in general. So, we will examine the different ways in which politics can be used in sport, as well as its impacts. First of all,

    391 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La communication politique, un outil de l’exercice du pouvoir ?

    La communication politique, un outil de l’exercice du pouvoir ?

    VALDACCI Lena commentaire : séance 10 Sujet : La communication politique, un outil de l’exercice du pouvoir ? Ce 27 novembre, la maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo, annonce quitter la plateforme Twitter, désormais propriétée d’Elon Musk. Malgré ses quelque 1,5 million d’abonnés, l’élue dénonce une plateforme devenue “une arme de

    2 660 Mots / 11 Pages
  • La Grande Bretagne : un problème pour l’Europe

    La Grande Bretagne : un problème pour l’Europe

    version La Grande Bretagne : un problème pour l’Europe So, what should we do ? Practice a neglected exercise, listening carefully, taking the time needed to go further a short-term view. Both economic and financial systems, with their well known differences, have been struggling to adapt to current needs in

    432 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La méthodologie pour tout déchirer au BTS

    La méthodologie pour tout déchirer au BTS

    La méthodologie pour tout déchirer au BTS Partie 1: Le compte rendu Le texte sera rédigé en anglais et fera environ 300 mots. Vous en ferez le compte rendu en français à l'oral pendant 10 minutes. Au brouillon: 1. Lire titre et sous-titre, puis l’auteur/la publication 2. Lire le texte

    308 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La place des adjectifs qualificatifs + Le génétif

    La place des adjectifs qualificatifs + Le génétif

    La place des adjectifs qualificatifs C’est quoi ? Un adjectif qualificatif est un adjectif qui permet de qualifier un nom. Il va donc apporter des précisions sur l’apparence, l’opinion qu’on a de du nom, … La place de l’adjectif qualificatif : - Devant le nom qu’il qualifie (A black cat),

    251 Mots / 2 Pages
  • La protection des personnes dans l’univers numérique

    La protection des personnes dans l’univers numérique

    La protection des personnes dans l’univers numérique introduction Quel est l’intérêt pour les plateformes de collecter des données sur leurs utiliseurs ? Les utilisateurs d’internet ont-ils les moyens de contrôler cette collecte de leur données ? (localisation, Arriveriez-vous à lister les informations personnelles que vous avec révélées sur un réseau

    820 Mots / 4 Pages
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