How is britain dealing with it’s identity crisis ?
Dissertation : How is britain dealing with it’s identity crisis ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Jujulebgdu67 • 4 Avril 2023 • Dissertation • 569 Mots (3 Pages) • 565 Vues
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How is britain dealing with it’s identity crisis ?
The definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you. An example of identity is a person’s name .
Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. … These cultural identifiers can include: location, gender, race, history, nationality, language, sexuality, religious beliefs, ethnicity, aesthetics, and even food.
We will also look at the concept of multicuturalism. It can be divided into two words: “multi” which means “several” and “culturalism” which refers to religions, races, ethnic diversities. It means that in the United Kingdom, people come from different countries. Different ethnic minority groups make up the UK population. In fact, the first immigrants landed in 1948, they travelled from Jamaica on the boat: "The Empire Windrush".
After, other communities arrived and for the majority they came from Asia. It is a vestige of the British empire. To finish in the 90s the majority of immigrants came from Eastern European countries..
Living in a multicultural country can be very positive because it allows to bring diversity and openness to the society in which we live. diversity can be a wealthy value: people can share diverse religions, beliefs, food and traditions.
Moroever, according to a study by "the guardian" in which the media asks to the English a question, "on a scale of one to 10, do you feel immigration has had a positive or negative impact on the UK?", the English are not against with an average response of 5.
But on the other hand, there is no denying that multiculturalism can lead to misunderstanding between communities. As people can see things differently, it can bring about violence within the country.
The English are losing their Britishness because there are not necessarily real English traditions because the United Kingdom is multicultural. We mean by britishness the quality of being British or of having characteristics regarded as typically British.
To continue,
On 23rd June 2016, the UK officially leaves the European Union thanks to a referendum. Indeed 51,9% of the Parliament voted to leave the European Union. It is not denying to say that Brexit has confused the british identit’s.
Brexit has made a separation between the UE and the United Kingslm but also between scotland and uk like we can see with the document C page 33 wich is a cartoon.
In the cartoon there are 2 flags, one for the Eu and another for the UK. An english man is sawing a line through the Channel Representing the separation of England and the European Union, and a Scottish man is cutting Scotland off from England also with a sawe Representing the will of the Scoltand to be independent
So, Brexit has triggered an identity crisis that captures both tensions. The UK is asking questions about the distance between its identity and the reality of what it is as well as facing a sceptical audience overseas. Many people outside the UK neither understand why Brexit is happening, nor