How can we deal with cultural differences ?
Compte rendu : How can we deal with cultural differences ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar fregjij • 20 Septembre 2021 • Compte rendu • 825 Mots (4 Pages) • 499 Vues
Séquence 1 : Intercultural Management
Objective : How can we deal with cultural differences ?
a) Dealing with cultural differences(= various beliefs, behaviors, languages, race, ethnic or national origins
b) Stereotypes, cliches and prejudices
Advantages: Learn from other cultures
Drawbacks Misunderstandings Conflicting beliefs Difficult to be understood/to adapt
The surface shows what people usually think the most about differences between cultures. Otherwise, underneath is the reality, what ppl forget or don't know about other cultures more often.
They can’t communicate properly, because when they speak about a tower, they each think about a different one, the one they know in their country
Both pictures show multicultural issues in terms of communications due to a lack of knowledge about the others culture and their specifices
If you want to communicate properly with people from various culture, you need to know their culture and adapt yourself to be understand
Australian attitudes that may cause clashes =Eye contact; and listening; very polite saying please however in other cultures they’d be more direct; being a bit late “15mins” at a meal is okay not rude; calling ur boss by his first name.
Rudeness, Suggestiveness Laziness
Pointing the finger; Winking is not used that much bc it can mean a lot of things
Need time to get to know the culture norms to avoid clashes with other cultures
Le document est une interview sur les méthodes de communication et le comportement que les gens ont en Australie.
Les australiens utilisent beaucoup le contact visuel et sont plutôt polis, ils demandent toujours avec un s’il vous plaît même si dans certains autres pays les gens peuvent être plus directs.
Le fait d’être légèrement en retard à un repas du genre 15 mins n’est pas très grave contrairement à d’autres. On utilise de moins en moins le titre des personnes et les employés.
Il est parfois difficile de toujours se comprendre et c’est pour ça qu’il faut s’informer sur les conventions sociales et langagières, coutumes, valeurs et manière de voir les choses afin d’éviter se manque de compréhension qui pourrait provoquer des conflits.
Feuille US/UK differences
Zuchini= Courgette
Candy = Sweets
Cookie= Biscuit
Chips= Fries
Aubergine = Eggplant
Favour= UK Am= US Amme= UK Dialogue = UK Dialog = US
Favor = US Centre = UK Center= US Licence = UK License = US
Notes sur la vidéo:
N’a jamais utiliser l’éléctricité
Food in plane was not as good at what they’re used to eat in Sudan
Ils ne connaissent pas tout les aliments
n’ont jamais vu des chips ou donuts
They have so many question to ask but they have so few litle people to ask
In usa people are not friendly more individualism;
can’t go to someone’s you don’t know home
How should you act to people you don’t knowledge
N’a jamais vu d’appartement
Complain with the police and not allowed to travel in groups