Idea of progress : How do English Speaking countries deal with climate change ?
Fiche : Idea of progress : How do English Speaking countries deal with climate change ?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar rzyiamnmer • 21 Juin 2019 • Fiche • 760 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 596 Vues
I'm going to present the notion ''idea of progress''. Firstly, I think is very important to define the terms of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. We are particularly going to study the technical, scientific progress and the consequences on the society. To illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about Climate change. Since its creation, the Earth has experienced several important climate changes. But if we talk a lot about this phenomenon at the moment, it is because we observe, today, a new global warming that began in the 1950s. And unlike the previous ones, this one would be largely due to mankind and his activities.
So I'm going to wonder How do English Speaking countries deal with climate change ?
First, I will describe how the world change because of climate change, then I will talk about how people try to reduce it.
First thing first, ice melting is a problem of climate change. Indeed in class we studied a photography taken from the sky. It's a small island in the middle of the sea. On this island we can see people who are standing on the sand and we can read quote unquote The End ?
The island may disappear because of ice melting. The sea level may rise. That's the consequence of higher temperatures of global warming. People are protesting and fighting for the environment. Their goal is to make us aware of the issue of climate change. Moreover global warming can be present all around the world. In Australia, there are very high heatness, which means that people work less officiently. They are often absent from work so it has an impact on the economy. In the Maldives the problem is the sea level rising. Some parts of the Maldives might disappear underwaters and people might become environmental refugees. And in the Canada the issue is the global warming and ice melting. It's getting hard to fish because fishes go deeper underwater to find the right temperatures and the ice field is melting. However, there are many ways which are used to reduce the global warming.
So now we are going to talk about how people try to cut down on global warming.
In class, we studied an oral comprehension named a call for awareness. It's a speech made by the actor Leonardo Dicaprio . He doesn't define himself as an expert but as a concerned citizen . The goal of this speech is to make people react and take action against climate change. He talks about ice melting, sea level rising, extreme water events, droughts and acidification of the ocean.This speach is more influential because Leonardo Di Caprio is a celebrity he can influent more people than a simple unknown expert. Fortunately, an internation treaty was adopted in 1997 in KYOTO and the summet resulted in an international commitment to reducing green house gases. We also talked about a photgraphy of an eco-district named BEDZED. This district includes 100 homes, a school, offices and shops. The project was developped in South London. It uses renewable energies. IN an oral comprehension about BEDZED, they say that we consume too much, that there's an increasingly urbanized population , and that the way we consume is unsustainable. The project of BEDZED is to save money and save the environment. It's about a better quality of life. With Bedzed we have more energy-efficient homes. Our carbon footprint is reduced. It's a question of choice, of not being wasteful. Moreover, people protest against the indifference of the global warming.In english class, we analized a text and photography showing people protesting. It's a march where people protest against climate change. It shows that people are concerned . They want to raise awareness, to send a clear message to politicians. Indeed in the texte, a girl named Naomi, reproches politicians with not taking the issue of climate change as seriously as they should . They don't really care about global warming. She thinks that they should embrace the problem a lot more seriously . And for Naomi, a popular uprising is necessary. Fighting climate change must become a goal.