Idea of progress: how India has grown since 1950?
Étude de cas : Idea of progress: how India has grown since 1950?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sachaclt • 30 Avril 2017 • Étude de cas • 453 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 086 Vues
I am going to talk about the notion « IDEA OF PROGRESS ». The idea of progess can be defined as an improvement – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order to a new order. If we talk about India, we can say it is a land of contrast, being a traditional land but also a modern country. That's is why it is interesting how india has grown since 1950 ? In a first time i will develop on Social Development in india with "changing india" afterwards we will see culturel development with a text on Bollywood , and finally the indian technological development .
I will start by the social progress in india.Many changes have occured in India over the last 30 years. The country is now in a process of rapid economic development.
In the text « Changing India » the narrator came from India but he has never been to India up to now. He decided to go in India by himself to make up his own mind about the country. Before he had prejudices about it but India has changed. The farms have given way to factories, the couples can divorce, untouchables children can go to school... The main change is people's mentalities. Now they can decide for themselves.
TO CONTINUE with progress in india we will see the Indian cultural progress with most famous fims industry : Bollywood . In the reportage of BBC on" Bollywood" we learn that bollywood had an annual turnover around 4 billions dollars , millions tickets are sold everyday and now bollywood
has a world-renowned reputation and is also prolific that Hollywood. This reputation has given to India a place of choice in art and culture in the world, it is imposed as one of the references of the genre, which allows India to be more and more known and recognized today.
Well , thanks to her technical progress and the renewal of her productivity equipment, India is now one of the most important country in the world. In fact, the Indian economy is the 10th in the world global nominal domestic product (GDP), thanks to the creation of high-tech cities as we’ve seen in class, such as Bangalore and Hyderabad. This cities who develope new technologies and industries allowed to india to become a large region of development and training in new technologies
I can conclude that india is in full technological cultural and social development although some social assepet are not clear as the rights of women with men. But it's in good way for this country who has been idenpendent for only 70 years .