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How does the leadership style of the two female prime ministers in British history compare?

TD : How does the leadership style of the two female prime ministers in British history compare?. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Septembre 2024  •  TD  •  349 Mots (2 Pages)  •  37 Vues

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Theresa May was the second female British Prime minister and leader of the Conservative parti in UK from 2016 to 2019. She started the process of withdrawing the UK form the EU, she starts Brexit negotiations.

We can ask a question, how does the leadership style of the two female prime ministers in British history compare?

Before Theresa May, as my classmate explains to you, it was Margaret Thatcher who governed the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 with an iron hand.

Thatcher wasn't just the first woman in office, but also the longest serving Prime Minster of the last century until today. Theresa May becomes Prime Minister by default, David Cameron having stepped down after losing the referendum. Thatcher had become Prime Minister after winning a general election. That's just one difference between the two female Prime Minister. May is considered to be far more moderate in her political views than Thatcher’s political beliefs who were more radical libertarian ideas.

Britain’s first two female prime ministers shared a number of superficial similarities beyond their gender: both were hard-working, serious individuals from modest, aspirational backgrounds. Both possessed autocratic temperaments. In comparing the two leaders, we need to remember the very different contexts in which they operated.

Mary Elizabeth Liz Truss was the Prime minister of the Queen Elizabeth II and following the death of her majesty she became the new monarch King Charles III’s first Prime minister. On 20th October she announced she was stepping down. She is to date the shortest serving Prime Minister.

When Liz Truss was asked which of the party’s past prime ministers she most admired, she had a very definite answer: Margaret Thatcher.

Pertinently, because this is the Conservative parti, they were both Eurosceptic.

Conclusion: To conclude, Margaret’s Thatcher figures to be an influent model for the emancipation of women in politic by giving them a determining role.


  • Is it fair to compare Theresa May and Liz Truss to Margaret Thatcher?
  • In which way, we can say that the political figure of Margaret Thatcher demonstrates the emancipation of women in politics?

  • YES, NO, MAYBE? And WHY?


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