Common wealth
Résumé : Common wealth. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Dakhli razane • 3 Novembre 2023 • Résumé • 1 132 Mots (5 Pages) • 209 Vues
The Commonwealth, formerly known as the "British Commonwealth of Nations," has its origins in the period of British decolonization. It was officially established in 1949 with the London Declaration, which noted the ongoing decolonization and removed the term "British" from the name, signifying that the United Kingdom was now just one member among many.
The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of countries that have historical ties to the British colonial Empire. Its primary characteristics and advantages are as follows:
Creation and Structure:
The idea of the Commonwealth was born during the British decolonization process when former British dominions, including colonies and protectorates, decided to unite while still pledging allegiance to the British Crown. The London Declaration of 1949 formalized the existence of the Commonwealth. Over time, the number of member countries has changed. The founding members included South Africa, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Newfoundland. Ireland and Newfoundland, along with other countries like Maldives and Zimbabwe, have since left the organization. In Europe, Cyprus and Malta are members. Currently, there are 56 member states.
Advantages of Commonwealth Membership:
A. Common Bond: Member countries share a common historical heritage, language, and many cultural ties, which fosters a sense of unity and understanding among/between them.
B. Facilitated Exchanges: The Commonwealth promotes various agreements and programs to facilitate exchanges among member countries. For example, the "working holiday visa" allows citizens aged 18 to 30 from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to work in the United Kingdom, and vice versa.
C. Economic Cooperation:The Commonwealth is also an economic cooperation fund that supports the growth of member countries. This fund provides technical expertise and training to promote both short-term and long-term economic development.
D. Solidarity and Cooperation: Member countries cooperate and support one another in both politically and economically ways + they can extend to addressing conflicts and promoting stability.
E. Commonwealth Secretariat: The Commonwealth has a Secretariat based in London that works on promoting human rights, democratic values, and conflict resolution. It also observes elections in member countries.
In summary, the Commonwealth is an association of countries with historical ties to the British Empire. Membership offers several benefits, including cultural affinity, facilitated exchanges, economic cooperation, and a sense of solidarity and cooperation. The Commonwealth aims to promote shared values, democracy, and peace among its member states.
56 États membres : Afrique du Sud, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Australie, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbade, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroun, Canada, Chypre, Dominique, Eswatini (ex-Swaziland), Fidji, Gambie, Ghana, Grenade, Guyana, Inde, Jamaïque, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malaisie, Malawi, Malte, Maurice, Mozambique, Namibie, Nauru, Nigeria, Nouvelle-Zélande, Ouganda, Pakistan, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Royaume-Uni, Rwanda, Sainte-Lucie, Saint Kitts-et-Nevis, Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines, Salomon (Îles), Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapour, Sri Lanka, Tanzanie, Tonga, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Zambie, Togo, Gabon.
The Australians rejected, on Saturday, October 14, a reform of Aboriginal rights, submitted through a referendum, following a divisive campaign that exacerbated racial divisions in the country. According to the vote count from three-quarters of the polling stations across the country, 55% of the voters voted against the proposal that aimed to recognize Aborigines as the first inhabitants of the island in the Constitution and give them a specific "voice."
The project aimed to create an advisory council - nicknamed "The