Le Common Goldeneye (oiseau) (document en anglais)
Étude de cas : Le Common Goldeneye (oiseau) (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar audreydu029 • 15 Avril 2013 • Étude de cas • 229 Mots (1 Pages) • 854 Vues
Common Goldeneye
Size : 38 to 43 cm long with a wingspan of 63 to 75 cm .
Weight : from 500 to 1200 grams.
Description : the species is named after its golden-yellow eyes.Its feet and legs are orange-yellow. Males have a black head with a greenish gloss. Females have a brown head and a grey body. It's a type of duck.
Habitat : It nests in north Asian forests , and also in France more recently. This is a migratory bird which winters in the south of Denmark, on the southern coasts of the North Sea, the English Channel, the Mediterranean coast and in the Alps.
Foods: It eats insects, molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic plants and small fish.
Reproduction : The female lays a clutch 8 to 11 eggs at the end of March.
Size : 38 to 43 cm long with a wingspan of 63 to 75 cm .
Weights : from 500 to 1200 grams.
Descriptions : the speciesis aptly names for its golden-yellow eye.their feet and legs are orange-yellow. Males have a black head with a greenish gloss. Females have a brown head and their body generally is grey. It's a duck.
Habitat : It nests in northern forests , in asia and for some years in France. This is a migratory, it winters in the south : Denmark, on the southern coasts of the North Sea, northern English Channel, Mediterranean coast and in Alps .
Foods: It eat insects, molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic plants ans small fish.
Reproduction : The female lay a clutch end of march to june from 8 to 11 eggs.