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La common law

Cours : La common law. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Octobre 2018  •  Cours  •  642 Mots (3 Pages)  •  947 Vues

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intro a la common law:

(Manuel: the English law-England and Wales)+Civilisation britannique (Sarah Pickard)

Qcm en janvier (40 questions)


Session one: British law in context

-law is never in a vacuum= the socioeconomic political historical environmental, geographical cultural context impacts law.

NI: sionistes/independantistes= pas de vote aux mêmes élections.

Supreme court RU= tt ce qui est pénal

Écosse personal supreme court.

(!)regardez mot indénombrable

I)Geography, history, culture, society

Whats GB, RU?

Britain was cut off around 6100 BC(not always an island); island country

The English Channel (la manche): protect, specific society; but bc its cut off, strong national id = Brexit influence.

But bc of the Eurostar, is it still an island? But Britain feels steel separated.

Britain still belongs to eu., respect eu law, eu parliament, court and justice in lux.

2015: PM, David Cameron, organized a referendum to stay in or leave EU, country divided over the issue.

June 23 2016, leave or stay the eu? Leave: 51,9% to 48,1% stay (30 million people voting).

People who voted to exit are now dead bc they wanted monarchy back.

Écosse, NI: hyper pro Europe; can they stay, and the other leave?

Nicola Sturgeon: prime minister in scotland.

Archipelago, 6.000 islands

The Channel Islands: self-governing entities, special courts and legal rules (fiscal)= British Crown Dependencies.

GB = largest island of the archipelago.

Full official name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (= a political concept)

Slow union of four countries/nations: England, Wales, Scotland, NI.

Union Jack, union of four flags.

English law only applies to England and Wales.


Attraction to the center, and periphery (since the 1970s: contrary movement = more autonomy given to the periphery = devolution (décentralisation, delegation de pvr)).

Empire & Commonwealth:

1945, Britain ruled over 25% of the world’s landmass), cmwlth: 54 countries (ou on retrouve de la common law).

1707 : act of union (scotland lié a UK)

Le brexit peut menacer l’union du uk

England voted for brexit by 53,4% to 46,6% // Scotland and NI both backed staying in the EU.

To go to the polls : aller voter

Polling station : bureau de vote

Opinion poll : sondage d’opinion

To call to the polls : appeler aux urnes

Voting right : droit de vote

Leading the polls : être en tête des sondages

To be defeated at the polls : être battu aux élections

Ballot paper : bulletin de vote

Ireland : 2 countries (R of I / NI) ; autonomous territories inside the UK.

Common law :

-Applies to england and wales only

-Scotland uses scots law

Habbeas corpus act (1679) : protection of civil liberties in england (voted before scotland was united to england in 1707). But scottish law also guarantees civil liberties = same spirit of fairness and impartiality. (droit pénal = criminal law)


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