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Cours : INTRODUCTION TO COMMON LAW. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Novembre 2018  •  Cours  •  461 Mots (2 Pages)  •  855 Vues

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                                           INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH COMMON LAW


session one british Law in context



legal= juridique

Several legal system in Britain

  • English law : apply in England and Wales
  • Scots law : in Scotland ( also a language )
  • Northern irish law :  Northen ireland
  • Britsh law : many laws and procedures are common to the whole nation
  • European law : Britain still a member of the EU

most of law on the world apply is  roman law perspective different

difference between COMMON LAW and ROMAN LAW

Juridiction is like in french= territory where a specific law is apply

2 types of law :

  • Civil law  ( relationship between people,compagnie)                    DROIT CIVIL
  • Criminal law  ( sanction represive aon act who are comited , something bad and we need to show to other people that if you do the same thing you can go to jail, criminal law= arbitation)

Law is never a vacuum ( un vide)

context ipmpacts/ influences law every legal have a context , all context matters


Some imformation = information est mot invariable jamais de S


  1. Give me some : advice, baggage, furniture, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, trafic, news...

BRITAIN et pas THE Britain

THE United Kingdom et pas United Kingdom

nom toujours au singulier

traduit par un adjectif :

An ISLAND = un pays insulaire

a bank account = un compte bancaire

the car industry= l'industrie automobile


Labour law= droit du travail

  1. I- Geography, history culture,society
  1. Britain has a specific geography : an island country entirly bored by water only one land is not bored, over 300 ports Caastline superior 12000 km

  2. The english Channel (la manche) is not easy to invade with a specific society   

Insular = narrow-minded, intolerant

Britain, have a lot of influence on the development of

National indetity , the state , the legal system

In europ all the legal

Suite cahier


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