536 Anglais dissertations gratuites 421 - 450
TD de droit civil
TD ORDRE ADMINISTRATIF ORDRE JUDICIAIRE CONSEIL D’ETAT COUR DE CASSATION Cour assise appel (9 jurés) Cours d’appel Cour administatif d’appel Tribunale de police contrav Max 300$ Tribunal Administratif Tribunale correctionel delit 10ans 3750$ Cour d’assise crime +10ans Cour criminel 10 à 20 ans Jurdidiction Civil: Tribunale judicaire Conseil des prud’hommes:
1 193 Mots / 5 Pages -
TD on taxes
Taxes were applied and sanctions were introduced. Customs officers were allowed to conduct seizures on illegal products. The troops and officers should housed and welcomed by the colonists in their own home. The colonists were not happy to see troops coming → feeling of being an enemy and have tou
1 484 Mots / 6 Pages -
TED conference (Choose 1 among the 3 that are proposed to you)
TED conference (Choose 1 among the 3 that are proposed to you) -Circle the name of the conference you have chosen: Josh Luber—Why sneakers are a great investment? Paul Piff—Does money make you mean? Van Jones—The economic injustice of plastic -Why did you choose this conference? I choose this conference
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Ted talks on women condition in India
In this Ted talks, an Indian woman named Srishti Bakshi is speaking about women condition in her country and what did she does to make it better. In a first part we will see the woman conditions in India, in the second part we will see her story and what
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Terminologie Economic vocab anglais
FINAL EXAMS VOC - TERMINO A graph A diagram A chart A line A curve The supply curve The demand curve A bell curve A line graph A bar chart A pie chart A scatter diagram To plot the figures on a graph To plot The coordinates Seasonally-adjusted figures To
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Text on Banksy's recent residency in New York City
Banksy text The text is about Banksy's recent residency in New York City, which lasted for the month of October. Banksy is a well know street artist who creates art in public spaces without permission. During his residency, he installed several artworks around the city, which generated a lot of
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Thanksgiving celebration
THANKSGIVING (corrigé) Today my topic is Thanksgiving celebration . Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA on the 4th Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a bank holiday, most people don’t go to work, children don’t go to school. A few days before Thanksgiving day, the President of the USA pardons a
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The "ay of the Dead" in Mexico
The "Day of the Dead" It's a traditional Mexican celebration to honor our ancestors Declared cultural heritage by the UNESCO, it is one of the oldest traditions and representative of the country, and it is celebrated on november 1 and 2 these days living people meet their deceased family and
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The 1st Amendment in America and its consequences
Religion has always had an important place and influence on the US society, as the country has been built by religious people : the Pilgrim Fathers. So important that the First Amendment is about freedom of religion, which stipulates that the government cannot establish a State Religion or prevent the
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The animal welfare movement
INTRO ANGALAIS Hook Background Thesis statement : trying to convince Animal welfare refers to the physical and social well-being of animals or rather the concern for animals. Animal welfare movement is a movement that began in the mid 19th century with a primary goal of protecting and improving the treatment
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The Benefits of Music Therapy for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
Full Name Name 1 Teachers Name English Culture and literature / 604-103-MQ 30 May. 2022 The Benefits of Music Therapy for People with Alzheimer’s Disease Because of its particular properties, music can have multiple beneficial effects and even be used as a treatment option for different mental health issues, such
1 537 Mots / 7 Pages -
The black friday
Partie 2 / diapo 10 : Now we know that ThanksGiving and the Black Friday are related. The black Friday comes every time afer thanksgiving. In the US The Black Friday is always after the fourth Thursday of november. For The Quebec it’s always after the second Thursday of october.
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The Causes of the English Reformation
The Causes of the English Reformation A FEW FACTS AND DEFINITION The Reformation is often said to begin in 1534 with the Act of Supremacy (Henry VIII was then Head of the Church and Head of State.) But what triggered the Reformation was the need for Henry VIII to have
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The charity Adelante Africa since 2008
BERGER Margaux 1°A The charity Adelante Africa since 2008: That summer a group of Spanish and British tourists went on safari to Uganda to see the mountains, half way through the trip, in a small village called Igayaza, the truck broke down while a mechanic was repairing the truck, the
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The colonisation of South Africa
In the early 20th century, white europeans arrived with boats in South Aprica and colonies this country. They wanted to control the Afrikans and take position of the natural ressources. The black politicien were emprisoned by Aprikaners. They want to separete whit from black . In this oral présentation we
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The commonwealth
Introduction : An international organization, often abbreviated as IO, is a formal, structured association established by multiple sovereign states or other entities with the primary purpose of facilitating cooperation, collaboration, and coordination on issues of common interest at the international level. These organizations serve as platforms for member states to
1 532 Mots / 7 Pages -
The conversation between two Londoners who heard the speech
Person 1: Wow, did you hear that speech on TV last night? It was incredible! Person 2: Yes, I heard it too. It was quite captivating, wasn't it? I didn't expect such a statement. Person 1: Absolutely! I was particularly moved by the way he reminded us of the importance
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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime
Essay: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a book written and publiched by Mark Haddon in 2003. This novel is the first work of the author, it avhieves a great success and is printed in several million
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The DACA program
First of all, what does legislation mean? It’s the exercise of the power and function of making rule ( such as laugh ) that have the force of authority by virture of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization. So DACA ( Defered Action for
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The death penalty
How would you feel if a family member or loved one were suddenly murdered, wouldn’t you want that criminal to pay for their horrible deeds? The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is the practice of executing individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes. This practice has been
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The Declaration of Independence – a (the parchment in the National Archive)
The Declaration of Independence – a (the parchment in the National Archive) Instead of being British and colonists we’re now American. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political (…) All men are created equal. Yeahhhh!!!! I’ve come now to Washington
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The Edimburgh castle
✶ In the north of the United Kingdom, in Scotland, Edinburgh. ✶ A place with more than 1 million visitors per year! ✶ It’s Scotland’s most visited tourist attraction! ✶ Its’ one of the oldest fortified squares in Europe ! For a bit of culture… A famous Character of the
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The evolution of social media network
Title: Tracing the Path of Social Media Evolution Introduction: The landscape of social media networks has undergone a remarkable journey since its inception, reshaping the dynamics of human interaction and information dissemination. From the nascent stages of online communities to the sophisticated platforms of today, the evolution of social media
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The film Suffragettes
The film Suffragettes is a film directed by Sarah Gavron, released on November 18, 2015. It recounts the struggle of women in London in 1912 to obtain the right to vote and the same rights as men, on labour and also on children . He tells the story of Maud,
1 209 Mots / 5 Pages -
The Flight from Conversation
Russian roulette: bullet To strengthen To weigh Moody (mauvaise humeur) Our brain changes a lot during adolescence, time of big changes, radical changes of the mind and soul that make the person unrecognisable. There are the hard-to-control mood swings, identity crisis and the hunger for social approval, a taste for
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The Hate U Give – Summary Book
The Hate U Give – Summary Book It’s a story about a black girl, Starr who has to alternate between the poor neighborhood of her childhood (where she lives) and her rich school. One day, she went to a party in Garden High. But suddenly gunshot from a gang fight
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The healthcare inequalities
Charlie Bourdeau October 25, 2023 604-102 Gr. 3 Healthcare Inequalities in Canada In Canada, the healthcare system may appear to be fair with everyone. In reality, there are many problems and inequalities. Although it is known for being accessible, Canada’s system includes injustices such as differences in care depending on
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The history of the country of Australia
Australia The history of the country of Australia Australia is one of the ten thousand islands from the Oceania. It’s at the same time a land and a continent in the southern hemisphere located in the Pacific Ocean. The Australia is a huge island because that cover 14 more times
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The impact of social networks in our lives
The impact of social networks in our lives In recent years, social networks have become a big part of our lives. Moreover, 81.71% of the UK population use social networks in 2011, which ranks them 3rd in Europe. Young and old alike are now using them to socialize or get
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The impacts of technologies in our society
Today we are going to present to you our presentation which is about the impacts of technologies in our society. Technologies can be defined as practices governing such applications. The question at hand is how technology questions the very notion of humanity. To respond to this problem we will use
395 Mots / 2 Pages