- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Applying for a job

Cours : Applying for a job. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

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Project  : Applying for a job  . Send a CV video ( the world of work)                                    

Final mission : you have just passed your BTEC National and you would like to have a work experience in England for a few months. You are interested in a job offer.You decide to apply for it. You send a CV video  

To pass= to succeed= ……………………………………..                                                                      the BTEC National =   ……………………………………….                                                                                 To apply for= to ask , to make a request = ………………………………………………..

Mission 1.  Say what type of help you have when looking for a job.(EOI)

Activity one. Learn some new words                                                                                              

A/ Complete the stickers.  a job seeker / a job fair  / a recruitment agency /a recruiter /a job centre / vacancies (job offers) / unemployed people/ a booth

[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]

[pic 4][pic 5]

[pic 6][pic 7]

[pic 8][pic 9][pic 10]

[pic 11][pic 12]

[pic 13]

[pic 14][pic 15]

[pic 16][pic 17][pic 18]

[pic 19]

[pic 20][pic 21]

B/ Complete the sentences with : apply for /   vacancies  / job fair / companies /on the hunt for / recruiters / job openings / job seekers                                                                                                            

1)a career fair is also referred as a job fair                                                                 2)a career fair is an exhibition where students and job seekers  can get information about different schools and companies .                                                                            3)a career fair is a unique opportunity to meet lots of recruiters and have job openings                                                                                                              

4) He is a fresh  graduate and is now on the hunt for  a job.                                                                5) I hope to get hired because there are vacancies in this company.                                        6) If you want  to apply for  the job, please send your CV to the manager

C/Describe the two pictures : where , who , what and what for ?(EE)    

   [pic 22]

Voc :

Booth= stand

To pass= to succeed= reussir                                                                    

The BTEC National =   bac professionnel

To apply for= to ask , to make a request = ………………………………………………..

On the hunt for : a la recherche de ….      

To get hired : etre emboché                                                        

[pic 23]

Activity 2 (EO) think about where you start your job search. Explain how you can get a job

[pic 24]

Recap what you know about job hunting                                         [pic 25]

[pic 26]

 Voc :

Thorough: rigoureux

Persevering: perseverant

To be no mean feat: ne pas etre une mince affaire

To go to :

  • Ex: I go to Paris

To be at :

  • Ex : we are at school

To live in :

  • Ex : I live in Paris

Pour traduire : un , une , des, les, la.

Un , Une: a ou an devant voyelle

  • Ex: I an looking for a job in health

Des :

  • Ex : I met 0 nice people

Le, La, Les :

The  0 en general

  • Ex = l’ecole ou j’etudie est bien :

The school where I study is good 0 pour une generalité.

Je n’ai pas école: I don’t 0 school

Adj substantive

-les pauvres: the poor/ poor people

- les chomeurs : the unemployed / unemployed people

 modal ( can , must, night, may) + base verbale

can : pouvoir

must: devoir

ex : il peut aller = he can go

tradure      “pour”          = for + GN : ex juste pour moi : just for me


             in order to

                 so as to



Ex :pour reussir je dois travailler : to succeed in have to / I nust = work

Traduire qui pronon relative :

Who / which

La prsonne qui est … : the person WHO is…

La machine qui est sur la table.. : the machine WHICH is on the table

Information : des renseignements

Advice : des  conseils


  1. Peut tu m’envoyer un CV : can you send me a CV
  2. Il vont a l ecole : he  go to school
  3. Il est a l’hopital :  he is at hospital
  4. Les jeunes sont sympas :young people are nia
  5. Il travail dure pour réusir le BAC :he works hard to pass his BIEC National
  6. Je chercher des information au sujet du sport : I mam looking for information about sport
  7. Je naime pas l’ecole :I don’t like school
  8. La personne qui est a la porte est mon amie : the person who is at the door is my fiend
  9. JIM et Joe sont de grand garcon :JIM and Jeo are big boys


Mission 2. Think about what you would like to do later according to your aptitudes, qualities and likes.    

A/ Tell your classmates what you can do.  


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