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Expression écrite Application for a job of managing assistant in your company

Lettre type : Expression écrite Application for a job of managing assistant in your company. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Novembre 2021  •  Lettre type  •  256 Mots (2 Pages)  •  655 Vues

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Marie Lefebvre

35 rue de bois

21000 Blois


Edward Smithson

H.R. Manager


61-63 Picadilly

London - W1JODY

Blois, the 9th December

Subject: Application for a job of managing assistant in your company.

Dear Sir,

First of all I allow myself to remind you that I did a 6-week training period in the

Napket accountancy department 3 years ago. This training in your delicatessen firm was part

of my studies of Managing Assistant and I enjoyed it very much.

Presently I am working for a firm in Dijon in France, but this job does not enhance my

interest for langages and contribute to my personal self-achevement in terms of flexibility

and real career prospects.

Therefore I am considering the possibility to settle down in the UK with my partner,

all the more that he has just been transferred to London for his job. That is why I am

contacting you to know if by any chance you would have hiring opportunities in your

company from the beginning of 2020.

I would like to insist on the fact that my command of English is good and even

improved because I have spent all my holiday time in the UK and USA for the last 3 years.

Moreover I master the computer tools and the needed software.

Since I worked in Napket I already know the company operation and the working

team, what would facilitate my integration.

Please find enclosed my CV and do not hesitate to contact me for further

information. I remain at your disposal for an interview by telephone or skype.

Hoping that my application is going to hold your attention and expecting a prompt


Yours faithfully,

Marie Lefebvre

Managing Assistant in Kosmeo Company in Blois


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