Gandhi and his struggle for independence of India
Fiche : Gandhi and his struggle for independence of India. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Astrid Bve • 7 Janvier 2018 • Fiche • 728 Mots (3 Pages) • 711 Vues
One of the greatest men in the history of India is Mahatma Gandhi. The way he gave shape and character to India’s freedom struggle is worthy of a standing ovation. He sacrified his own life for the sake of his country. The respect that he earned for himself despite leading a simple lifestyle is much appreciable. Gandhi played a pivotal role in the freedom struggle of India. His non violent ways and peaceful methods were the foundation of gaining independence from the British. How did Gandhi gain the India independence ?
The beginning of his life
Gandhi was born in upper caste, in 1869. His father controled his childhood : Mahatma Gandhi became a lawyer and he married with Kasturbai at 13 years old. He called her « Ba » ; It will be one of the most important guy of his life.
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He is going to London to study at 19, to study law : he met the aristocracy of England. With this school, he started to change : he began to wear suits and ties, he spoke the best english, he eating meat (opposite to Hindu religion) and he studied the Bible.
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His first job was in the South African Indian Company. He was a lawyer there during 20 years (1893-1914). It’s in South Africa that he got his first racism experience.
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The beginning of his fight
He instaured his philosophy when he came back in India in 1915 : Satyagraha (Non violent peace). He rediscovers India. He forgot how poor was it.
There are 3 religions in india : Hindu, Muslim and Christian.
There is some racism by the white to coloured people :
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« If your enemy hits you on the right cheek, offer him your left »
Ganghi insists that indians must keep civil disobedience and non violence.
He is becomming more and more popular.
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Gandhi use the press as a weapon (he made an interview to a reporter from the NY Times). He declares that the intouchables (The poorest class in India) don’t exist anymore.
Indians should harvest cottons, spin it and weave it into clothes, as him because England owns their farms, taxes indians and indians must buy british textiles.
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The landlords are british : they want the rent and the crops of indians because they obey to Gandhi and his philosophy. Indians are poorest and poorest.
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Gandhi changes his name into « Bapu » who means « Father ».
The Amritsar massacre
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13th, April 1919, 1516 casualities, 1650 bullets. It was a peaceful demonstration who turned to the massacre of the Indians. It is the beginning of the end for the British because the press reported the massacre.
The revenge of the Indians is more and more violence against the British because Muslim have for motto « an eye for an eye »
The Salt March 1930
« Salt, like the air, is everyone’s right » said Gandhi.
The Salt March = 165 miles march to the sea to produce salt. It is not English right’s anymore.