Idea of progress : To what extent can we assert that a dichotomy is to be found both in the history of India and in science progress/ in science fiction?
Dissertation : Idea of progress : To what extent can we assert that a dichotomy is to be found both in the history of India and in science progress/ in science fiction?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar kg1975 • 12 Mai 2019 • Dissertation • 841 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 062 Vues
Introduction :
I am going to talk about the idea of progress. This notion can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change in technology, science OR social organization which bringS a positive change to our society. However, there are some cases where this change can have a negative effect too.
This year in class, we studied several documents about this notion and in particular Indian society.
To what extent can we assert that a dichotomy is to be found both in the history of India and in science progress/ in science fiction?
In order, to answer this question we will study the traditional aspect of India then the modern one and finally, we will talk about fiction and science.
First of all, it’s obvious that India is a land with strong traditions like the dowry system.
The text Another Girl by Shilpi Gowda which we have studied in class, shows us the impact of this tradition. Indeed, the cost of a dowry, the price the family has to pay for their daughter to be married off, is very high in India; while a male heir would bring a dowry to the family by way of marriage. So it is financially more attractive to have a son whereas a girl is seen as a burden. The dowry system in India is one given reason for female infanticide.
Moreover, India is a patriarchal society where male children are preferred because the parents are looking for heirs who will take care of them in their old age.
For poorer families in rural regions, female infanticide and gender selective abortion is attributed to the fear of being unable to raise a suitable dowry and then being socially ostracized.
As a result, the number of girls in India has been steadily falling for the 20 years so the majority of the Indian population is composed of men.
Now, I will show the contradictions in the Indian society.
Many changes have occurred in India over the last 30 years. The country is now in a process of rapid economic development. India is now one of the largest countries in the world and also an emerging country. To further illustrate this idea, we can take the example of the picture Today’s India which presents a dual vision of India: on the one hand, the skyscrapers in the background highlight how India has become a booming country. On the other hand, the saris that all the women are wearing indicate that traditions remain.
The photo also gives an impression of happiness: people seem relaxed. The photographer has focused his camera on a smiling couple holding their two children: they are representative of the two-child family policy encouraged by the Indian government. Besides, sex-selective abortions and finding out the sex of a baby before birth has become illegal in India.
The science fiction movie Gattaca by Andrew Niccol also illustrates this question of the Idea of progress. The film presents a vision of a future society where children are conceived through genetic selection. It also deals with genetic discrimination: the main character Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), who was conceived naturally, has always dreamt about traveling into space. But he is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid."