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Art and science : To what extent can we define our current society as more interested in artists than science and technology ?

Dissertation : Art and science : To what extent can we define our current society as more interested in artists than science and technology ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Février 2018  •  Dissertation  •  321 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 030 Vues

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These days people pay more attention to artists (writers, painters and so on) and give less importance to science and technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

        Art and science are often seen as contraries : one is subjective and based on emotion, while the other focuses on objectivity and rationality. To what extent can we define our current society as more interested in artists than science and technology ?

        It has been argued that people nowadays seek mainly entertainment, which can be provided by artistic works. Indeed, the place of art in our lives has greatly increased since culture was made more easily available by the development of mass media, generalising access to art. Additionally, some public policies, such as the giving of books to children or free entrances to museums, improve the knowledge of the population about art. The increasing influence of artists among us can also be noticed through their role in political campaigns, where some of them invite publicly to support one candidate.

        On the other hand, the world still seems to be dominated by scientific discourse, as shown by the current and highly polarised debate about artificial intelligence and the dangers of technological progress regarding job destruction. In addition, science still appears more valued than art in our society : artists are often given less recognition and respect for their works than scientists, and can sometimes be looked down upon. Also, we can notice that parents tend to encourage their children to follow studies in scientific fields rather than artistic ones.

        To conclude, it is true that art is, generally speaking, given more attention than before thanks to its accessibility. Yet, science and technology still seem to be more valued by our society.


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