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Job Interview

Dissertations Gratuits : Job Interview. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Septembre 2012  •  298 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 156 Vues

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1. How Would You Describe Yourself?

a. I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right.

2. Why Do You Want This Job?

a. The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The positive side on this company is that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.( Le travail que je trouve le plus stimulant qui me permet d'utiliser mes deux créatrices et techniques de recherche. Le côté positif de cette entreprise est qu'elle récompense les personnes qui proposent des solutions à des problèmes considérables.)

3. Are You Overqualified for This Job?

a. As you note, I've worked at a higher level but this position is exactly what I'm looking for. You offer opportunity to achieve the magic word: balance. I'm scouting for something challenging but a little less intense so I can spend more time with my family.( Comme vous le notez, j'ai travaillé à un niveau supérieur, mais cette position est exactement ce que je cherche. Vous offrez l'occasion d'atteindre le mot magique: l'équilibre. Je suis le scoutisme pour quelque chose de difficile, mais un peu moins intense pour que je puisse passer plus de temps avec ma famille.)

4. What Did You Like or Dislike About Your Previous Job?

a. I enjoyed the people I worked with. It was a friendly and fun atmosphere and I actually enjoyed going into work each morning. One of the reasons I am leaving is that I felt I was not challenged enough at the job.

5. Why Did You Quit Your Job?

a. I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.

6. What is important to you?

a. Two things are very important to me. One is my professionalism at work; the second is my family life.


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