Synthese OGM Anglais
Synthèse : Synthese OGM Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nh123456 • 9 Avril 2023 • Synthèse • 599 Mots (3 Pages) • 227 Vues
A GMO (genetically modified organism) refers to an organism whose genetic make-up has been modified in an unnatural way. In nature, each living organism, animal or plant, has genes that define its size, colour, resistance, etc. In the case of GMOs, a gene has been modified by man. This makes it possible to modify the characteristics of the organism of a plant, a bacterium or an animal and adjust it to an agricultural or industrial application. Thus, these genetically modified organisms are endowed with properties that they could not have acquired naturally. GMOs are usedIn agriculture, GMOs are used to improve the resistance of plants to avoid them succumbing to certain insect pests, diseases or drought. This is the case with the image in document 1 of maize, which has everything from size and colour to yield. We can now turn to a problem such as : What are the arguments for and against GMOs in the Us and Canada ? In the first part we will discuss the arguments in favour of the use of GMOs and in the second those against.
Since the 1990s, GMOs have been present in Canada and the US, but one question that has aroused interest since their appearance is why use them. The main arguments in favour of GMOs are that they allow increased food production: GMOs are engineered to be more resistant to pests and diseases, and to grow faster, which can lead to increased crop yields and more food for a growing population. They also can improved nutrition: Scientists can use genetic modification to enhance the nutritional content of crops, such as adding vitamins and minerals to combat nutrient deficiencies. They also reduce pesticide use to a lesser extent : GMO crops can be engineered to be more resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides that can be harmful to both humans and the environment. In addition, farmers using GMOs experience lower costs as GM crops can often be grown more efficiently and with fewer resources, which can lead to lower production costs for farmers and potentially lower food prices for consumers.
Despite the advantages of GMOs, which are proven by factual evidence, there are legitimate people fighting against them in the hope of getting them banned.
Anti-GMO activists are unanimous about the risks of their use, there are the environmental risks as GMOs can potentially harm ecosystems and disrupt natural food chains if they escape from farms and spread into the wild. and therefore create health risks as some studies have suggested that consumption of GMOs may have negative health effects, although many other studies have found no evidence of harm. There are also ethical concerns: Critics argue that genetic modification is unnatural and that altering the DNA of organisms for human benefit is morally questionable. There is also a lack of transparency on the part of industry selling products containing GMOs, with some consumers and human rights activists claiming that there is not enough information available on GMOs and their potential risks, and that companies are not transparent enough about the use of GMOs in their products. Finally, there is the environmental issue of loss of biodiversity, as GM crops often replace traditional crops, which can lead to a loss of genetic diversity in the food system over time if this type of crop is favoured.
For my part, GMOs are promising, but with laws that would regulate their use, by obliging