Service parts management, Purchasing Strategies, Product Life Cycle (synthèse en anglais)
Documents Gratuits : Service parts management, Purchasing Strategies, Product Life Cycle (synthèse en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Caroschoech • 3 Avril 2013 • 7 722 Mots (31 Pages) • 1 258 Vues
The Nether lands, Eindhoven, Apr il 2011
Student Identity Number 0548869
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
in Innovation Management
Ir. B. Mollen, Philips Healthcare
Dr. Ir. W. van der Valk, TU/e, ITEM
Prof. Dr. A.J. van Weele TU/e, ITEM
Ir.Dr. S.D.P. Flapper, TU/e, OPAC
Identification of Purchasing and
Supply Strategies for Service Parts:
A lifecycle perspective
Ronald Beekhuizen
TUE. Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
Series Master Theses Innovation Management
Subject headings: Service parts management, Purchasing Strategies, Product Life Cycle
“A business absolutely devoted to service will
have only one worry about profits, they will be
embarrassingly large”
Henry Ford (1863 – 1947)
Founder of the Ford Motor Company
This master thesis project is a single holistic case study executed at Philips Healthcare. The goal of this
study has been to investigate how the purchasing strategies of OEMs producing capital goods should be
organized to assure availability of service parts during the decline stage of the lifecycle while minimizing
costs. This study has generated useful insights to introduce, adapt and expand some of the policies within
Philips Healthcare with regard to purchasing Service Parts. Furthermore, it has also identified five
additional strategies for purchasing service parts in addition to the work of Chenoweth et al. (2011) and
has provided insight in the drivers influencing these strategies.
Preface and acknowledgements
Best, April 20th, 2011
This report is the result of my Master Thesis project, for the Master Innovation Management from the
Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. I conducted this project from September 2010 to
April 2011 for Philips Healthcare in Best. During this project, I got to know how much about purchasing,
service parts management and the challenges related to purchasing service parts at Philips Healthcare.
During the project, I have had the pleasure to work with inspiring people from both Philips Healthcare and
the Eindhoven University of Technology.
From Philips Healthcare, I would like to thank Bert Mollen, the initiator and company supervisor of the
project. I have enjoyed our biweekly meetings and appreciate the support and insights you provided me
with during the project. I have learned a lot from you during this project and I expect this to continue in the
near future. Furthermore, I would also like to thank my colleagues from Supply Management and
specially the members of the Service Purchasing Program. I own thanks to every one of you that made
the time in his or her hectic day to provide me with the required information I needed for my project.
From the Eindhoven University of Technology, my thanks go to Wendy van der Valk and Professor van
Weele who sequentially have been my primary supervisor. I have enjoyed the discussions I had with both
of you about my project. You have both been a source of inspiration and support of which I am very
grateful. As my second supervisor, I want to thank Simme Douwe Flapper for his time and critical reviews
of my work.
This project puts an end to my incredibly pleasant years as a student. I will never forget how much fun
these years have been. For this I have to thank my family and friends. Special thanks go to my parents,
who supported me in all possible ways throughout my studies.
Ronald Beekhuizen
Management Summary
In the academic purchasing literature, there has been very little attention for purchasing strategies linked
to the decline stage of the lifecycle. Although Birou (1997) describes it is troublesome and she suggests
her colleagues to investigate this, fifteen years later nothing has changed. Strategies for purchasing
service parts, which can be seen as an important subset of strategies in the decline stage for OEMs of
capital goods, are also not described in the academic purchasing literature. Only the RAND institute has
recently published a study about purchasing strategies for service parts (Chenoweth et al. 2010). Studies
from an operations research perspective do provide suitable solutions to improve operational
performance of the after sales network (e.g. Cohen et al. 2006, Kranenburg & Van Houtum 2008). These
studies however omit the management of the buyer-supplier relationship and the potential benefits that