Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls?
TD : Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar leo ii • 30 Mars 2023 • TD • 304 Mots (2 Pages) • 246 Vues
English Subject n°7
Should famous people’s trails be always conducted in closed walls?
For me it’s a no. But everything depend on how you interpret the word “famous”. If we are talking about people that are famous because of their work, their job etc I don’t think it is a good idea , but if we speak about people that are famous for the reason they are condemned, the question can be more open.
First of all, I am personally against the broadcasting of the courts of known persons. This is especially because justice is not a reality show or a comedy, and people's lives are at stake at that moment. Moreover, the live broadcasting of these trials encourages a practice that is becoming more and more widespread nowadays, the public court, by popular thought. This is a dangerous action because it can destroy the work of justice, because in the end it is the society that will decide who is really guilty and not people who are competent in law. The perfect example is Deep versus Heard.
However, as far as passing on the judgement of people known for the acts they have committed is concerned, it can be interesting. Indeed, it can allow the society to understand an act that was personally aimed at it, such as an attack for example. It can also be used to create an archive, and later on to observe correlations with other cases or to serve as a historical foundation.