3hould Humans limitate the evolution of Science in the name of ethics?
- If we continue like this, if the science continues to growth that fast, the evolve of Science will make that we won t be humans anymore
- We try to modify to much the Natur and walk too much away of our real need and it will be step by step contradict our society
- Today Science is is already enough powerfull ex=> Genetic modification- « Stranger Visions » some y.ago so tomorrow => What will we be able to do ? Today with the Science we have we can’t respect the name of ethics anymore and and even less if it continues to grow.
- We schould limitate Science bc Humans always want more,however we are never satisfied with what we have and we will always try to evolve, to improve what we can improve. But by dint of doing this we will stray too far from our real needs. /And after a while we will reach a point of no return, (where we could be totally dependant of something for ex.)
- a vicious circle that further reinforces inequalities =>Those who don’t have enough money =>differentiated or perhaps discriminated => contrary to those wich have enough money to use science ex Genetic manip=> more efficient ; no (or less) disease…
| - There are so much possibilitys to improve ourselve, to save more live, to heal more people, for ex : against sickness or other health problem ex=>if all people are in a good health with good body (thanks to DNA modification for ex) there will be more workforce or a better workforce. => everything faster at the long term
- Vicious circle that improves /glows up the society
- Science improving…important bc for example (DNA modification) There will be more equality if everyone could be at the same state,
- Ex : If we can make Sciience evolve , for ex=> « Stranger vision »where Heather Dewey Hagborg is able to create the portrait of people only thanks to their DNA. Now if we look around the criminality, we could be able to track criminals and let way less possibility for them to escape. =>Science=>serve for security
- Technically => Science is the answer of what people request for example to live longer, to be more resistant,to be able to heal some diseases…
- There are still a lot of question/ things that we want to know to learn for example what was there before the universe? Or are there others live in the universe
- a solution for the nature/the earth that suffers because of us => for ex meat prepared in laboratory using animal cells tp create it => solution for the over-consumption of food and in that case => meat