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Meeting the other(s)

Dissertation : Meeting the other(s). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Juin 2024  •  Dissertation  •  995 Mots (4 Pages)  •  60 Vues

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Meeting the Other(s)

Brainstorming : relationship – date – creating bonds – school – culture shock – to travel – new languages – unknown – prejudice – friends – business meeting – working life – love at first sight – to socialize – social media – network – sports – to discover – difference – new places – party – social events – introvert – feelings – new emotions – common points – innovation – creativity – memories – interaction – to step out of our way – happiness – phone – social rules – to be friends – tradition – new – cinema – to share – encounter – to hang out – adventure – video games – beginning – butterfly effect – shy – excited – interested – bored – curious – awkward= embarrassing situation – sad – anxious – insecure – perplexed = puzzled – unique – stereotypes  - narrow-minded – intolerant – to be open-minded – tolerant

I – Fighting against racial discrimination:

Norman Rockwell – New Kids in the Neighborhood – 1967

End of segregation – divided into 3 parts – gap – to move in – line – opposition – common points – past – difficulties to overcome – optimistic – colo(u)rs – typical American way of life / dream – curiosity

Video – history of segregation in the US

1863 = end of slavery = A.Lincoln = Emancipation Act

1865 = end of the Civil War = reinforced the end of slavery

1865 = 13th Amendment + 1867 = 14th Amendment of the Constitution = equal rights

BUT it didn’t change people’s mind right away : superior / education

Creation of Ku Klux Klan = White supremacists = started as a joke = terrorist organization = 1866 : whippings + beatings + intimidations + killing = 20 000 Black people.

Southern states found a way to get around the constitution : “separate but equal”: Jim Crow laws = buses + restaurants + drinking fountains + bathrooms + schools (Black schools were underfunded = not enough money).

Photograph : “Lynching party” – Indiana

Song : “Strange Fruit” – Billie Holiday (1937) = poem

  • 2 lexical fields  : human beings + nature
  • -metaphor : Black bodies are the “strange fruits”
  • Paradox : pleasant /unpleasant

Soft / violent = place (positive : poplar trees, magnolias) filled with violence (blood, burning flesh, bulging eyes) : [s] sounds VS [b] sounds

  • Rhymes : rhyming couplets : they emphasise the paradox  + they insist on the metaphor (4 words linked to nature + 4 words linked to human beings + words that could apply to both)
  • Rhythm : Stanza 3 : parallelisms + one-syllable words = it accelerates + violence = each word adds to her suffering / each word is like a wound

Still I rise – Maya Angelou

Similarities with Strange Fruit :

  • Same subject : segregation
  • Same contrasts used

Differences :

  • Strange Fruit : hopeless / pessimistic /negative
  • Still I rise : hopeful / optimistic / positive

Literary devices:

  • Comparisons : line 2 / line 9 and 11 and similes : lines 7/8 = meliorative effect
  • Rhetorical questions = addressed to “you” = racist white supremacists / she expects no answer from the people that she doesn’t even care about / she even makes fun of them
  • Repetitions / anaphora : “You may”
  • Parallelism
  • Metaphors = “I am a black ocean” = water = most important element on Earth / synonym for LIFE / overwhelm the racist people + “I am the dream and the hope of the slave” = role model + to embody HOPE
  • hyperboles
  • rhymes

N.Rockwell – The Problem We All Live With

Zoom in effect = we focus on Ruby Bridges herself + in the middle

Colours = visual contrast + white = symbol for innocence, purity and peace

Ruby Bridges is in the foreground whereas racism, segregation and violence is “only” in the background = HOPE


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