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Practice Individual Oral Guidelines

Discours : Practice Individual Oral Guidelines. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Novembre 2023  •  Discours  •  821 Mots (4 Pages)  •  156 Vues

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Fall 2023        ANN-BB3        M. Levesque

        Practice Individual Oral Guidelines (25%)

Form teams of either 2 or 3 students. Each team will be assigned a visual stimulus to analyze. The list of visual stimuli will have to be filled out in a Google Doc which will be available in Lea > Documents.

Part 1: Presentation (each student must speak for 3-4 minutes)

Each team must select a visual stimulus from a bank provided by your teacher and must analyze it.

In your presentation, you must

  • provide a brief description of the visual stimulus
  • relate the visual stimulus to the relevant theme from the course
  • express your opinions on the ideas implied in the visual stimulus

Here are some ideas to guide your analysis:

  • Answer some or all of these basic identification questions about your chosen stimulus: “Who …?”, “What …?”, “Where …?”, “When …?”, “Why …?” and “How …?”

  • Does the visual stimulus relate to other cultures? Or to the target culture? (North American English)?
  • How is the visual stimulus relevant to a specific course theme? (see guiding questions on page 2)?
  • What are your opinions on the ideas implied in the visual stimulus?
  • If you are wondering what to say about your visual stimulus, here are a few ideas:
  • Context: When and where was the photograph taken? What background and foreground detail can you describe? What does it tell us about the Anglophone world? Can the ideas presented in the photograph relate to an Anglophone society and/or culture? Can these ideas be similar or different depending on the culture?
  • Text: What is happening in the picture? Describe the people and what they are doing?
  • Subtext: What is the message of the picture? Why did the photographer take the picture?
  • Theme: How does the picture relate to a specific course theme?
  • At the end of the project, the teacher will ask students to put their chosen visual stimuli in a shared document. Along with the stimulus, students will be asked to give short explanations as to how the chosen stimulus fits with some of the course themes. This document will also become a study guide in fourth term.

Note: Presentations and follow-up discussions will be recorded for grading purposes.

The team MUST be ready to present on the assigned date. Should one team member be absent, the team will go ahead with the presentation, filling in for the absent member to the best of their ability.  Should the team be absent or unprepared, they will be given a zero for the presentation mark.

Part 2: Discussion (5-6 minutes)

Each team will be asked to relate their chosen visual stimulus to two course

themes (identities, experiences, human ingenuity, sharing the planet, and social organization).

The first chosen theme will be detailed in your presentation. The second theme will be brought forward by your teacher during the follow-up discussion.

Guiding questions related to the overarching course themes

Note: Some themes may be more appropriate for some visual stimuli than others.

1) Identities

- What constitutes an identity?

- How do we express our identity?

- How do language and culture contribute to form our identity?


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