543 Anglais dissertations gratuites 61 - 90
Biographie de Victor Hugo en anglais
Victor Hugo, born on February 26, 1802, in Besançon, France, is one of the most prominent figures in French literature. He was the youngest son of Joseph Léopold Sigisbert Hugo, a general in Napoleon's army, and Sophie Trébuchet. His early life was marked by frequent relocations due to his father's
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Biographie en anglais de Trudy Ederle
Trudy Ederle Introduction Hello everyone, Today, we’re going to talk about a woman who made history: Trudy Ederle. She’s known for being the first woman to swim across the English Channel in 1926—an incredible achievement for the time. Among other nicknames, the press called her "Queen of the Waves". 1.
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Biography of Simone Veil
Simone Veil Hello, today we are going to talk about a woman who was very important in France. This woman is Simone Veil At first we will see her biography, after that we will linger on the course of her life, then we will see the different fights for which
1 262 Mots / 6 Pages -
Biography of Stephen King
Stephen King is surely the best horror author of all the last 20 years. He wrote 16 novels and sold more than 350 million of them. He even directed a film points. He was born on 21st September 1941 in the northern state of Maine in the USA. His father
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Biopic sur une célébrité
Greetings, I’m Jana Murphy and I’m the president of the school movie club and I had the opportunity to assist to the making of this year’s new movie, Run For Us, which is a movie directed by James Cameron where he desired to explore the life of Katherine Switzer, an
1 000 Mots / 4 Pages -
Body functionning
Introduction Le corps humain est la structure culturelle et physique d'un être humain. Le corps humain est constitué de plusieurs systèmes (nerveux, digestif, etc.), ainsi que de 206 os et 639 muscles dont 570 sont des muscles squelettiques. La science et la pratique visant à décrire l'organisation et le fonctionnement
4 427 Mots / 18 Pages -
Bristol Calabar Slave Trade
Bristol – Calabar slave trade I remember the first time I heard about the slave trade. How millions of people were taken from Africa on a transatlantic voyage to work on plantations in the New World. I found it very hard to make sense of what my teacher was saying,
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British Cinema
Séquence 7 Séance 1 : (Hot Fuzz) Hot Fuzz is obviously a British movie. We can spot it thanks to the accent, to the police uniforms and vehicles. The landscapes are typically British, such as the towns and their life (festivals, church, pub…). It is a comedy with a lot
1 743 Mots / 7 Pages -
Broken Lives: The Story of Two Troubled Souls
Broken Lives: The Story of Two Troubled Souls Tiana and Malcolm had known each other since they were children. They grew up together in a small town outside of Los Angeles and their parents were good friends. As they grew older, Tiana realized she had feelings for Malcolm, but she
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Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace Hello, today we're going to tell you about Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is where the British royal family lives. It's in London and it's not just a home , it's also where they do important things. Did you know that Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms, including 19 state
474 Mots / 2 Pages -
Business in different cuontries
What are the origins of the speaker? She is from Minnesota USA in a mono-cultural environment. In which country did the speaker first realize the importance of understanding the cultural differences? It was in Japan Explain the situation of her communication mistakes and how she should have acted according to
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Business presentation: Nordstrom
Business presentation: Nordstrom Quick presentation of the company ( select only essential information) Nordstrom, a long-standing luxury department store, has been a significant presence in retail since its establishment in 1901. It started as a shoe store and later expanded to offer a wide range of products, including clothing, cosmetics,
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Cas Meuh’Cola
Marius Levannier Cas Meuh’Cola Adonis Lermier 1 – Comprendre les stratégies de distribution 1) L’entreprise meuh cola utilise un canal court, car l’entreprise comporte au moins deux intermédiaires qui sont les restaurateurs de qualité mais aussi par des petits cafés… qui les revendent aux clients. La stratégie de distribution de
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Case-study Coffee Cup
Case-study Coffee Cup Coffee Cup has been established more that 20 years ago but the business has really taken off in early 2000 in the coffee industry with a positioning of premium brand. Coffee Cup belongs to a multi-unit group present in the food industry and is recognized today as
1 370 Mots / 6 Pages -
Cash Flow Statement
Cash Flow Statement A cash flow statement tracks the inflow and outflow of cash, providing insights into a company's financial health and operational efficiency. Operating (Bil) : Operating cash flow shows an increase over the three years, with 15.19 billion in 2021, 16.04 billion in 2022, and 20.93 billion in
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Cash investigation Nespresso
Cash investigation NESPRESSO Hello and welcome to this special edition of our show, where we dive deep into the environmental debates surrounding the Nespresso company. Renowned for its aluminum coffee capsules and bold marketing strategies, the brand is under fire for what is perceived as greenwashing. Today, we have the
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Characteristics of gothic fiction
Characteristics of gothic fiction The first gothic novel was published in 1764. The gothic novel will typically follow a plot of mystery and suspense. Often you will find gloomy settings such as old decaying houses in isolated locations. There are often houses with long dark corridors and a dark and
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Charlie Chaplin, The modern times
Charlie chaplin : THE MODERN TIMES Hello, today I will show you how the film "Modern Times" excels this is a film made by Charlie Chaplin and shot in nineteen-thirty-six. it is a po-li-ti-cal and philosophical movie that can make children understand the life of THE"modern times" (not those seen
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Chinese Exclusion Act
First, Chinese immigrants get basically in the Mississippi Delta to work in the cotton fields cause they were cheap to paid and politically voiceless due to their ( in my opinion, they are not that voiceless, Americans understood that type of behavior like this but they just have a different
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Civil rights movement
Today I am going to talk about the American Civil Rights Movement. The American Civil Rights Movement was a social and political movement that fought for equal rights for black Americans. It began in the early fifties and continued through the late sixties. The civil rights movement was marked by
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Civil Rights Movement
Chapter n°3: Civil Rights Movement Class n°1: March Verse n°1: Emma Gonzales (Gun Control) The access to guns in the US is easier, so a lot of people die of gun violence. Verse n°2: Abortion, Roe v Wade revoked. It was a federal law, every state had to legalize abortion,
1 413 Mots / 6 Pages -
Civilisation Américaine : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century
CM CIVI AMÉRICAINE BCC 2 UE 2 L1 S1 Chapitre 1 : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century 1. The English expansion in NA in the 17th century 2. The English expansion in NA in the 18th Intro : * european colonial expansion 1492 * Led by CC
2 421 Mots / 10 Pages -
Civilisation UK
Civilisation UK 24 janvier 2023 The United Kingdom Today National Characteristics pas d’article devant Great Britain Grand Britain = England / Scotland / Wales THE United Kingdom = Scotland / England / Wales / Northern Ireland Territory 2 mains islands + smaller ones (ex : Orkney, Shetland & Hebrides Island
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Clarke Griffin
Ok i love them but honestly, who was the one who spent 6 goddamn years on earth so they could live ? Who lived through the death wave so they could live? All clarke had was madi. Madi saved clarke from becoming emotionless and killing herself and they are like
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Closing ceremony speech
Closing ceremony -Secretary general Dear headmaster, honorable guests, distinguished delegates, and esteemed MUN directors, Miss Vallon, Mister Blows, Mister Travellion, incredible members of the executive team of IMUN 2023 conference, dear band, and press team My immediate thought at this moment is, "What an exceptional conference it was!" These past
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CM d'Anglais
séance 8 dissertation faire un plan suivant ses questions si dissert sous forme de questions faire en plan suivant ces questions si 10 questions toujours deux parties et une seul problématique respecter les étapes de l'introduction 1/ 1791,1795 ,1848 1791= est la première const français , le régime politique c'est
1 992 Mots / 8 Pages -
Colin Karpernick
Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick set the Internet on fire over the weekend after he refused to stand for the national anthem before a game on Friday. Afterward, Kaepernick said that he was "not going to stand up to show
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Comment l’environnement et l’éducation donné à un enfant influence sa perception des sentiments et des émotions ?
EXPRESSION ET CONSTRUCTION DE SOI Comment l’environnement et l’éducation donné à un enfant influence sa perception des sentiments et des émotions ? 1. Différents types d’éducation donné à un enfant 1. Education « à la dure/vieille école » Doc à l’appui : * Boys don’t cry : les garçons n’ont
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Commentaire anglais de " the problem we all live with"
Oral du brevet : The beguining of the history of black people in America is in 1619 when the first slave were brought into America. Then, in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the USA, and, he wanted to abolish slavery. So the south seceded from the north and
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Commentaire de caricature
This cartoon deals with a story that made headlines last week. And this event is the resistance of an Iranian student, named Ahou Daryaei. On November 2, she was at her university, surely on her way to class. When university security confronted her, accusing her of supposedly violating the hijab
483 Mots / 2 Pages