- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


457 Anglais dissertations gratuites 61 - 90

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  • Cash investigation Nespresso

    Cash investigation Nespresso

    Cash investigation NESPRESSO Hello and welcome to this special edition of our show, where we dive deep into the environmental debates surrounding the Nespresso company. Renowned for its aluminum coffee capsules and bold marketing strategies, the brand is under fire for what is perceived as greenwashing. Today, we have the

    382 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Characteristics of gothic fiction

    Characteristics of gothic fiction

    Characteristics of gothic fiction The first gothic novel was published in 1764. The gothic novel will typically follow a plot of mystery and suspense. Often you will find gloomy settings such as old decaying houses in isolated locations. There are often houses with long dark corridors and a dark and

    467 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Charlie Chaplin, The modern times

    Charlie Chaplin, The modern times

    Charlie chaplin : THE MODERN TIMES Hello, today I will show you how the film "Modern Times" excels this is a film made by Charlie Chaplin and shot in nineteen-thirty-six. it is a po-li-ti-cal and philosophical movie that can make children understand the life of THE"modern times" (not those seen

    307 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act

    First, Chinese immigrants get basically in the Mississippi Delta to work in the cotton fields cause they were cheap to paid and politically voiceless due to their ( in my opinion, they are not that voiceless, Americans understood that type of behavior like this but they just have a different

    446 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Civil rights movement

    Civil rights movement

    Today I am going to talk about the American Civil Rights Movement. The American Civil Rights Movement was a social and political movement that fought for equal rights for black Americans. It began in the early fifties and continued through the late sixties. The civil rights movement was marked by

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement

    Chapter n°3: Civil Rights Movement Class n°1: March Verse n°1: Emma Gonzales (Gun Control) The access to guns in the US is easier, so a lot of people die of gun violence. Verse n°2: Abortion, Roe v Wade revoked. It was a federal law, every state had to legalize abortion,

    1 413 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Civilisation Américaine : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century

    Civilisation Américaine : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century

    CM CIVI AMÉRICAINE BCC 2 UE 2 L1 S1 Chapitre 1 : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century 1. The English expansion in NA in the 17th century 2. The English expansion in NA in the 18th Intro : * european colonial expansion 1492 * Led by CC

    2 421 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Civilisation UK

    Civilisation UK

    Civilisation UK 24 janvier 2023 The United Kingdom Today National Characteristics pas d’article devant Great Britain Grand Britain = England / Scotland / Wales THE United Kingdom = Scotland / England / Wales / Northern Ireland Territory 2 mains islands + smaller ones (ex : Orkney, Shetland & Hebrides Island

    259 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Clarke Griffin

    Clarke Griffin

    Ok i love them but honestly, who was the one who spent 6 goddamn years on earth so they could live ? Who lived through the death wave so they could live? All clarke had was madi. Madi saved clarke from becoming emotionless and killing herself and they are like

    293 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Closing ceremony speech

    Closing ceremony speech

    Closing ceremony -Secretary general Dear headmaster, honorable guests, distinguished delegates, and esteemed MUN directors, Miss Vallon, Mister Blows, Mister Travellion, incredible members of the executive team of IMUN 2023 conference, dear band, and press team My immediate thought at this moment is, "What an exceptional conference it was!" These past

    991 Mots / 4 Pages
  • CM d'Anglais

    CM d'Anglais

    séance 8 dissertation faire un plan suivant ses questions si dissert sous forme de questions faire en plan suivant ces questions si 10 questions toujours deux parties et une seul problématique respecter les étapes de l'introduction 1/ 1791,1795 ,1848 1791= est la première const français , le régime politique c'est

    1 992 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Colin Karpernick

    Colin Karpernick

    Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick set the Internet on fire over the weekend after he refused to stand for the national anthem before a game on Friday. Afterward, Kaepernick said that he was "not going to stand up to show

    419 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Comment l’environnement et l’éducation donné à un enfant influence sa perception des sentiments et des émotions ?

    Comment l’environnement et l’éducation donné à un enfant influence sa perception des sentiments et des émotions ?

    EXPRESSION ET CONSTRUCTION DE SOI Comment l’environnement et l’éducation donné à un enfant influence sa perception des sentiments et des émotions ? 1. Différents types d’éducation donné à un enfant 1. Education « à la dure/vieille école » Doc à l’appui : * Boys don’t cry : les garçons n’ont

    655 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Commentaire anglais de " the problem we all live with"

    Commentaire anglais de " the problem we all live with"

    Oral du brevet : The beguining of the history of black people in America is in 1619 when the first slave were brought into America. Then, in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the USA, and, he wanted to abolish slavery. So the south seceded from the north and

    734 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Commentaire de texte sur Gibraltar

    Commentaire de texte sur Gibraltar

    « Un diplomate est quelqu'un qui peut vous dire d'aller au diable de telle manière qu'il vous tarde de faire le voyage ». Cette citation du comédien et écrivain Peter Ustinov illustre à la fois la complexité des relations diplomatiques et leurs perpétuelles tensions. Au cours du XVIIIe siècle, période

    1 532 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Commentaire de texte sur Nietzsche, La Généalogie de la morale, paragraphe 6 de la Troisième dissertation

    Commentaire de texte sur Nietzsche, La Généalogie de la morale, paragraphe 6 de la Troisième dissertation

    Boussac Lilou T°A Commentaire de texte sur Nietzsche, La Généalogie de la morale, paragraphe 6 de la Troisième dissertation Qu’est-ce que le beau ? Question soulevée mainte fois par les philosophes, et ce, depuis l’antiquité, et qui n’admet pas de réponse univoque. L’art manifeste le désir humain de créer du

    2 030 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Commentaire Emily Brontë

    Commentaire Emily Brontë

    CONCOURS BLANC ANGLAIS TRONC COMMUN VERSION La vie, la vie est toujours une surprise. C’est quand on pense avoir les choses en main, qu’on aurait appris son rôle parfaitement, que quelqu’un du casting se mettrait en tête de commencer à improviser, et toute la foutue production serait réduite à un

    1 979 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Commentary on the question of Northern Ireland, speech by James Callaghan

    Commentary on the question of Northern Ireland, speech by James Callaghan

    Commentary - James Callaghan on the Question of Northern Ireland On April 22nd, 1969, Mr. Paul Bernard Rose, MP for Manchester Blackley, declared about the Northern Ireland issue: “An almost uncontrollable situation has developed because too little has been done too late”. [1] This quotation and the speech studied today

    4 038 Mots / 17 Pages
  • Common wealth

    Common wealth

    The Commonwealth, formerly known as the "British Commonwealth of Nations," has its origins in the period of British decolonization. It was officially established in 1949 with the London Declaration, which noted the ongoing decolonization and removed the term "British" from the name, signifying that the United Kingdom was now just

    1 132 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Communication secrets

    Communication secrets

    Vous m’avez présenter 2 documents une vidéo & un texte la vidéo a été diffuse sur Youtube et dure 2 :02 Elle a pour titre : Communication secrets Dans ces 2 documents, on mentionne Richard Mullender qui fut policier & negociateur Le texte lui provient du magazine Vocable paru le

    614 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Community life

    Community life

    BORDE Victor 2nd1 Community life Doc 1 p. 22 1. Ibrahim Cisse is a “dynamic and confident” child who is in sixth grade in East Harlem. He moved from the Ivory Coast to East Harlem when he was eight years old. He is a determined child who does not back

    388 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Compréhension orale to podcast “the future of workplace”

    Compréhension orale to podcast “the future of workplace”

    After have listened to podcast “the future of workplace”, I will present the report. L’audio is an episode of Work Life Podcast, presented for Derek O’Neil, business strategist and entrepreneur. He focusing on the ideal workplace of the future, revolutionary virtual workspace that brings together real work and cyberspace. For

    577 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Compte Rendu "Small U.S farms find profit in tourism"

    Compte Rendu "Small U.S farms find profit in tourism"

    UMUBYEYI UWASE ANGE BTS CI 1 ENGLISH [1] Compte Rendu «Small U.S farms find profit in tourism Cet article paru le 9 Juin 2011 dans le magazine the New York times, explique en quoi l’agrotourisme émerge comme une source cruciale de revenus pour de petites exploitations aux États-Unis. Contrairement à

    349 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Compte rendu code vestimentaire au travail

    Compte rendu code vestimentaire au travail

    Compte-rendu anglais Cet article publié dans The Charlotte Observer le 2 juillet 2014 traite le code vestimentaire sur le lieu de travail. Les cravates et les costumes ont été remplacés par un nouveau style vestimentaire décontractés dans plusieurs entreprises en Caroline du Nord. Le changement est lié à la suppression

    254 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Compte rendu d’un passage de "Dracula"

    Compte rendu d’un passage de "Dracula"

    INT. CASTLE - BATHROOM - MORNING Narrator : After 3 days in the castle, Johnathan began to feel quite uncomfortable. He knew something was wrong about this place. That night, Johnathan only slept a few hours, and when he woke up, the uneasiness came back, just like all of this

    791 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Compte-rendu du texte teenage activist

    Compte-rendu du texte teenage activist

    DS : Alex Lin, Teenage Activist – corrected version This text is an adaptation from an online article found on It was published on April 5, 2010. It deals with a militant and teenager who is actively involved in the reduction of the trash of unwanted electronic products. As

    313 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Conjugaison des temps en anglais

    Conjugaison des temps en anglais

    PRESENT SIMPLE – DO/DOES EMBAUCHER VIRER FORMER QUELQU’UN UTILISATION HABITUDE FORME AFFIRMATIVE He employs/hires/takes on/recruits They fire/dismiss/sack/lay off We train someone FORME NEGATIVE We don’t employ She doesn’t fire I don’t train someone FORME INTERROGATIVE Do you employ ? Does it fire ? Do we train someone ? PRESENT PROGRESSIF

    251 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Conseils pour un oral

    Conseils pour un oral

    * TIP n°1 : “make it simple” * Utiliser une langue simple, claire, sans se compliquer sauf si nécessité (auquel cas il faut expliquer le vocabulaire * On ne peut pas restituer à l’oral tout ce qu’on a trouvé à l’écrit * Garder à l’esprit que les personnes qui écoutent

    420 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Consignes de préparation a l’oral d’anglais spe

    Consignes de préparation a l’oral d’anglais spe

    Consignes de préparation a l’oral d’anglais spe : - 1 seul sujet - Dossier de 4 à 6 documents : • ù!!! un article de presse obligatoire !!! : qui constituera le coeur de l’article et qui doit être rédiger en première nature en anglais • au plus 2 images • au plus 2

    2 729 Mots / 11 Pages
  • Convincing Speech on The Lord of The Rings movies

    Convincing Speech on The Lord of The Rings movies

    Earnslaw Burn’s valley of waterfalls, Mavora’s grandiose walkways and Arcadia Station’s spectacular mountainous scenery. The rocky valley of the Lonelands, Pelorus River’s emerald waters and not forgetting the magnificent village of Hobbiton, where everything starts. These are some of the fantastical landscapes we can marvel at when watching the

    358 Mots / 2 Pages

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