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Comptabilité-gestion, compte-rendu en anglais

Compte rendu : Comptabilité-gestion, compte-rendu en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Octobre 2024  •  Compte rendu  •  1 222 Mots (5 Pages)  •  119 Vues

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BTS Comptabilité Gestion – 1re année



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ÉPREUVE TYPE 1 – Production orale continue

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Compte-rendu en langue cible

  • Enregistrez un compte rendu en en langue cible du document en faisant apparaître les idées essentielles. (10 points)

  • Exemple de compte-rendu oral en langue cible. [pic 5]

This article discusses the ways in which name discrimination continues to exist in today’s society, and the reasons for its continued existence. The author begins by giving some examples of the situations in which name discrimination can have a negative impact on a person’s life, suggesting that these inequa- lities have not been eliminated despite governments’ efforts in that direction. He goes on to explain how research in this field is carried out, and gives examples of results from recent research projects, which show significant levels of discrimination based on the association of a name with a racial group. The au- thor adds that other factors are also at play -gender discrimination and social class, but insists that race and ethnicity are among the most important. He goes on to point out that this situation has existed for a very long time, and that examples can be cited going back at least eighty years. He also acknowledges that many laws have been enacted to promote equality, but that they are not fully implemented and thus not effective; and finally, he suggests that in fact this sort of discrimination is often unconscious, institu- tionalised in society. It can, he says, only be eliminated by profound social changes.

ÉPREUVE TYPE 2 – Expression orale en interaction

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[pic 7] Entraînement à l’épreuve

Interaction orale en langue cible

  • Enregistrez vos réponses aux questions en précisant bien le numéro de la question et en appuyant vos réponses sur le document ci-dessus

  • Exemple d’interaction en langue cible reprenant le script du sujet. (10 points) [pic 8]

1 What do you understand by “name discrimination”?

Name discrimination describes a situation where a person is judged solely on the basis of their name, without taking into account their qualifications, experience, expertise or needs, and indeed without meeting the person at all. In our society it is all too common for people with non-European names to be refused access to services, to employment, to housing or to higher education simply on the basis of their name..

  1. Why could the example discussed in the article be considered very shocking?

To me all types of name discrimination are shocking, but this case is particularly so because it concerns a small child whose needs are exactly the same as other children of the same age, but who is refused a service simply because she has an unfamiliar name.

  1. In the mother’s place, how would you react to this situation?

I would at first have been very disappointed that the society in which I live should behave in this way, and then I would have done what the mother in fact did – verify that this was indeed a case of simple name discrimination, then make the situation public so that the discrimination should be exposed.

  1. Can you describe another common form of discrimination?

A common form of discrimination in the field of employment is ageism. Many employers regard people over the age of fifty as either too set in their ways to be able to adapt to the workplace changes that can be necessary in the future, or too demanding in terms of the workplace environment. Whilst this may be true of some people in this category, it can also be true of those aged thirty or forty, and is certainly not the case of all those over fifty.

  1. Is it important to combat this sort of attitude and behaviour?

In my view, yes, it is very important. It is a fundamental principle of our society that we are all equal, and equality of opportunity is a vital aspect of that principle. If opportunity is dependent on your name, your skin colour, your gender or your age, then that is an absolute denial of the equality which western – and of course particularly French – society claims as its basis.


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