Closing ceremony speech
Discours : Closing ceremony speech. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Meryaam • 31 Mai 2023 • Discours • 991 Mots (4 Pages) • 350 Vues
Closing ceremony -Secretary general
Dear headmaster, honorable guests, distinguished delegates, and esteemed MUN directors, Miss Vallon, Mister Blows, Mister Travellion, incredible members of the executive team of IMUN 2023 conference, dear band, and press team
My immediate thought at this moment is, "What an exceptional conference it was!" These past 3 days have been one of the greatest experiences I could ever imagine taking part in and you, delegates, chairs, and everyone in this room made this possible. I would like to express my personal gratitude to each and every one of you, but acknowledging 150 people might be a challenging task. So I will do my best to tell you how grateful I am.
Delegates from all the committees, thank you for being here and for attending IMUN 2023. It has been my very great pleasure to get to know you and to see what a wonderful work you’ve done to find a common ground between every country. A huge thanks to the Lycee la trinite to attend IMUN for the third time, and we look forward to seeing you next year. I would also like to thank our incredible guest, Miss Poey, from the seascleaners, for coming forward and for sharing all their knowledges and experiences in the marine field with us. I would also like to thank Miss Clapot and Mister spraggings for coming to our conference. I am very grateful to our headmaster and our deputy directors to give us the permission to plan this conference. Thank you so much to Miss Vallon, without any of this could have been possible, for creating this wonderful IMUN club I have been in for 3 years. Thank you for trusting me enough to be your secretary general, after Clementine PULOV, my predecessor, who clearly paved the way for me. Now, I would like to thank the band one last time for their wonderful performances through the past 3 days. Last but not least, a huge thanks to our team, Ginie, Sona, Lucie, Adele, Julia, Angelina, Paul, Gaspard, Joumana, Charlotte, Islem and Elian who did everything to make sure the conference went well (and dedicate their final year to create their version of IMUN 2023).
On Friday morning, at the opening ceremony, I was here with our President, on the same stage that I am standing on right now, and I want you to remember this moment. On Friday, we determined that that we were here to invent ourselves as well as our world. And that led each one of you, delegates, to fill your resolutions with plans for tomorrow. And yes, they may come across as idealistic, and those working at the United Nations might label them as "naive" or claim that they will not lead to any tangible change. But I’ll tell you why these resolutions you’ve created are important, because you have expressed in them what you want to see in the world. They serve as a reflection of the shared beliefs and values of 150 students, who are looking froward to actively participating in our society and building a new world that meet our expectations.
I believe the conclusion we all came to is that our world is in dire need of transformation. So Let’s all listen to Gandhi when he “be the change we want to see in the world”. We have expressed our wishes, our needs, the changes we want to see during this IMUN ‘s conference. Just because IMUN 2023 has ended, doesn’t mean that everything you’ve been involved in is over. This afternoon, or tomorrow, each one of you will return to their city, to their real life as a student. During debates in committees, you all had a voice that matters and, this voice, even if you’re not representing a country anymore, will still matters as a citizen. Embody that change, this is your right but also your duty. You’ve been empowered to speak up about inequality towards water access, marine pollution, marine crimes, drugs trafficking and piracy, discrimination, war and conflicts. Thus, do not just go back home to proclaim that "IMUN 2023 was an amazing experience”, return home to say this of course but also to shout out loud “why are children over the world collecting water far from home instead of being in school?” , “How is it that many parts of the oceans are still under no protectional laws and plagued by many crimes?” , “Why didn’t we found any ways to solve this urgent and devastating issue of ocean’s acidification knowing all the impacts on biodiversity it has?”, “How is that possible for the international community to not secure more the sea lanes and let all of that piracy occurs?”