Charlie Chaplin, The modern times
TD : Charlie Chaplin, The modern times. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar phoqueUS • 18 Mars 2024 • TD • 307 Mots (2 Pages) • 178 Vues
Charlie chaplin : THE MODERN TIMES
Hello, today I will show you how the film "Modern Times" excels
this is a film made by Charlie Chaplin and shot in nineteen-thirty-six.
it is a po-li-ti-cal and philosophical movie that can make children understand the life of THE"modern times" (not those seen in history class)
where it speaks of unemployment, of theft, of what is forbidden and not forbidden, of love, of
poverty and wealth, of injustice of the society and of all that concerns modernity like industry etc. (at that time)
All this is told universally with several languages | as for example at the time of the manifestation where all the writings of people are written with different languages |
it will highlight important themes in a simplified way.
This film use montages and special effects
Like the matte painting of roller skates.
| This scene was realized with a painted glass in the front of the camera SO the void doesn’t exist. |
ALSO Charlie sometimes switches images from eighteen fps to twenty-four fps
for change the movement’s speed of the characters in the movie.
Finally, we have the my-thi-cal sequence of the factory’s gears
Who mixes the mekanikal tricks, “with the wooden and foam gears”
and the visual effects when the tape scrolls up-side-down to make Charlie rise.