13 475 Politique et International dissertations gratuites 13 186 - 13 200
The 2008-2011 Icelandic Financial Crisis
1. The contest Until recently Iceland had low unemployment and government debt. But in the years 2000, its government put in place a vast deregulation policy. The country’s three largest banks were privatized. As a result, in a 5 year period, these banks which had never operated outside of the
1 332 Mots / 6 Pages -
The End Of The Appartheid
The apartheid is the politics of racial segregation led in South Africa by the white minority against the black majority. It was Organized in 1948 by the national Party, it is based on the development separated from the populations and was practised until 1991, Strict laws were organized in the
700 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Face Of A Good Citizen
The status of citizen is not only defined by a legal perspective, by having a nationality and possessing civic or political rights; it is also defined today by the act of participating and being an assertive citizen, who is concerned with others. Though a citizen may choose to participate or
984 Mots / 4 Pages -
The Federal court system: Structure and jurisdiction 2. Les migrations 3. Féminisme et antiféminisme 4. La colonne brisé, Frida Kahlo Please select type 5. Démarche de soin de Mme Rose 6. Lettre de motivation pour une grande école 7. Compte rendu TP
4 The Federal Court System: Structure and Jurisdiction 1. Facts Exercise 1 (pages 125-127) 1. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. False. 5. False. 6. False (can hear both issues of fact or errors of law). 7. False. 8. True. 9. True. 10. True (generally, but can also be a
13 798 Mots / 56 Pages -
The Great Migration
The Great Migration is the relocation of six million of African American from the rural South to the cities of the North from 1916 to 1970. In 1919, 1 million of African American had left the South. As we saw previously, 6 million of African Americans left the South to
499 Mots / 2 Pages -
The new constitution of Egypt
Essay: Subject: The new constitution in Egypt In recent years, Egypt, the largest country of the Arab world, underwent major changes especially with the outbreak of the Arab spring. As a matter of fact, in 2011, major protests forced the resignation of president Hosni Moubarak who was then in power
1 025 Mots / 5 Pages -
The Prime Minister
THERESA MAY Le Premier ministre est le personnage le plus important du système politique britannique. Il ou elle est le chef de la direction du Royaume-Uni. Jusqu’au début des années 1980, le poste de Premier ministre avait peu de reconnaissance officielle. La personne qui tenait le poste était le premier
2 638 Mots / 11 Pages -
The revival of Scotland’s desire for independence
The revival of Scotland’s desire for independence The question of Scottish independence was supposed to have been settled by the 2014 referendum when Scots voted by 55% to 45% for the country to remain part of the UK. . But nowadays, between Brexit, which almost two-thirds of Scots opposed, an
484 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Right to Settle in Occupied Land
The Right to Settle in Occupied Land When someone mentions the word “settlements”, immediately comes to mind the Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and the West Bank also known by its biblical name Judea and Samaria. Although many conflicts around the world have resulted in military occupations and
3 445 Mots / 14 Pages -
The Stare Decisis
Intro : We are going to talk about the stare decisis, It is a legal rule applying particularly in the countries of common law. The stare decisis is not either, cleanly, a [doctrine] or a [theory]; it is a principle, that of the precedent, a still called rule of the
1 686 Mots / 7 Pages -
The U.Sv federal Reserve bank and the European bank.
The U.S Federal Reserve Bank and the European Center Bank 1. The Federal Reserve’s System, The Fed Federal: States’ rights -> California has the power; means the power is for all states * Gay marriage is federal law (in 50 states) * Same situation in Europe with the decision of
723 Mots / 3 Pages -
The UK constitution : the writing of a British Bill of rights
The UK constitution : the writing of a British Bill of rights A constitution is the set of rules that create the relationship between an individual and the state they live in or the company they work in. It’s like a snooker club, it’s says what we can do !
990 Mots / 4 Pages -
The uk law system
Q1 – The legal system of Wales was annexed to England by the Law Wales Acts in: A- 1535-1552 B- 1542-1552 C- 1535-1542 Q2- When England and Scotland were joined, and by which act? Acts of Union 1707 Q3-The Ireland was divided into two by the Government of Ireland Act
906 Mots / 4 Pages -
Montoy Léa; El Khayari Samia ; Taroucht Fatima 1°D THEMATIQUES LES FLEURS DU MAL : CHARLE BAUDELAIRE L’amour L’amour peut être heureux chez Baudelaire. Quand la femme devient muse, inspiratrice, source de beauté nouvelle et d’exotisme, l’amour provoque l’inspiration. On devine les présences de trois femmes dans le livre :
1 063 Mots / 5 Pages -
Thème 1 - 1789 : La naissance de l'Etat constitutionnel moderne
Vocabulaire Thème 1 - 1789 : La naissance de l'Etat constitutionnel moderne Etat : Collectivité naturelle composée d'une population vivant sur un territoire et soumis à un pouvoir politique organisé doté d'un statut légal qui assure son indépendance Ancien régime : L'Ancien Régime se caractérise par une monarchie absolue et
3 260 Mots / 14 Pages