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The uk law system

Mémoire : The uk law system. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mars 2014  •  906 Mots (4 Pages)  •  993 Vues

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Q1 – The legal system of Wales was annexed to England by the Law Wales Acts in:

A- 1535-1552

B- 1542-1552

C- 1535-1542

Q2- When England and Scotland were joined, and by which act?

Acts of Union 1707

Q3-The Ireland was divided into two by the Government of Ireland Act of 1930?

WRONG, it was by the Government of Ireland Act of 1920.

Q4- When did The Monarch Elizabeth II come to the throne?

In 1952.

Q5- Due to the political organization in the UK, the legal system is the same in England, Wales and Scotland, contrary to Northern Ireland which has its own system.

WRONG, Wales and England have the same system, while Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own.

Q6- What the Good Friday Agreement is, and when has it signed?

The Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998, in order to end to conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants in Ireland.

Q7- What part of the United Kingdom plans to demand its total independence of the crown by referendum this year, in autumn 2014?

A- Northern Ireland

B- Wales

C- Scotland

Q8- And to what countries the Scottish national party would like to get closer from Scotland?

Scandinavia, even if there are several difficulties as the non-automatic membership in the Schengen area, but also the question of the currency (Scottish want to keep pounds sterling).

Q9- What is the difference between a solicitor and a barrister?

Barristers and solicitors are attorneys but they have not really the same functions. Barristers is more present in are courts that solicitors. The latter advise mainly the clients.

Q10- Under which reign the English law began to evolve and to centralize?

William the Conqueror

Q11- Under which reign the judicial system take the name “Common Law”?

Henry II

Q12- What is the equity?

Equity is a new category of law, created In the 14th and 15th century by the Lord Chancellor, in order to create new rights according the principles of fairness and granting new remedies such as injunctions.

Q13- When the UK became a membership of the European Economic Community?

A- 1973

B- 1952

C- 1993


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