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43 504 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 966 - 1 980
Anglais, Cours grammaticaux
Cours grammaticaux En anglais nous distinguons grammaticaux à savoir le présent et le passé en revanche il existe plusieurs forme grammaticales Le présent progressif : be + ing On utilise be + ing pour 3 raisons : * Action en cours de réalisation (ex : he’s reading a book now)
895 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais, description of a cartoon entitled "tsunami"
The document is a cartoon. This painting is entitled “tsunami”. We don't know where this cartoon came from and we don’t know when it was published in. The catoonist signed at the bottom right but we don't have more information about him. The cartoon shows a giant wave hitting the
296 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, devoir maison, Steve Jobs
PART I - Written comprehension 1) This document is an article from The New York Times published on October 8 in 2011. The topic of this document is the comparison of two famous people, Steve Jobs and Edison. 2) In the first pararaph the author compares the two men because
504 Mots / 3 Pages -
ANGLAIS, dialogue
(Cri dans le couloir) Andoni : Come on boys ! … Are you ready for the trip? Matt : Yes completely. Ando : You too Jackson, not too stressed? Hugo : No it’s fine Ando : Good. Put yours seatbelts on. Let’s go to the boat. (Moteur qui s’allume) Matt
301 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, diary
1. 1. This document is a diary. 2. The scene take place, near Boulogne. 3. The first entry was written on Chrismas Eve, 4. The second entry was written on Xmas day. 5. These entries were written between 1940 and 1950. 6. The weather was like cold. 7. The document
315 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Donoghue vs Stevenson Video
Donoghue vs Stevenson Video In August of nineteen twenty eight (1928), Mae Donahue and a friend decided to visit the well meadow cafe in Paisley for apparent ice and in the case of Mae Donahue an ice dream and bottle of ginger beer, but when her friend bought Mae Donahue
257 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Dragons Den
Jessica DANG DRAGON DEN 04/26/2018 Dragons Den is a British reality TV show about business. Entrepreneurs, who are seeking funding, pitch their business ideas to five investors. The latter referred as “dragons” are multi-millionaire looking for investment. During pitches, candidates pre-deal by telling a specific amount they want to get
705 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, E.E, the strange village
The strange village... After a long days where the road was long and tiring, I finally arrived at my destination. The carriage had left me at the entrance of the village, with my suitcases in my hands, and I was prepared to discover this village. A strange atmosphere was present
295 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, espaces et échanges, Is the USA a country of spaces and exchanges?
I am going to talk about the notion “spaces and exchanges”. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen documents about the USA and the American Dream. We can wonder if the USA is a country of spaces and exchanges or not. On the one hand, we can
598 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, exercice d'écriture d'une lettre
You are on holiday with friends in another city and are due to return home in four days’ time. Unfortunately you have an accident, which will prevent you from travelling for at least 2 weeks. Write a letter to your parents saying:- * How and where the accident happened *
645 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, exercice de traduction.
6.2 (S3) Anglais Vocabulaire Use a syringe to take some blood from a vein in the patient’s arm. Put the blood into a test tube. Utilise une seringue pour prendre du sang dans la veine du bras de ton patient. Met le sans dans le tube. Then, use a pipette
1 368 Mots / 6 Pages -
Anglais, exercice de workbook.
Workbook page 50: 9) She walked down the canyon and caught the bus to Venice. She was looking for the address given to her by a Guatemalan woman, but she wasn't able to find it. When she realized that the place didn't exist, she went back to where her journey
874 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais, expression écrite
I am writing to you in relation to the above matter. My case is listed for mention at the Alabama Local Court on Saturday 1 april 2017. I would like to express my discontentment about the decision you took. As a matter of fact, you took the decision to expunge
306 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, harassment
Cold case ? what is harassment? Harassment is defined as repeated violence that can be verbal, physical or psychological. This violence is also found in the school. It is the act of one or more students against a victim who cannot defend himself. But we will no longer focus on
301 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, idea of progress. Is technological evolution always a progress?
Idea of progress I'm going to present you, the notion idea of progress. The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality life (social
658 Mots / 3 Pages