Anglais, idea of progress. Is technological evolution always a progress?
Commentaire de texte : Anglais, idea of progress. Is technological evolution always a progress?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar fuckuawsome • 4 Janvier 2017 • Commentaire de texte • 658 Mots (3 Pages) • 6 300 Vues
Idea of progress
I'm going to present you, the notion idea of progress. The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality life (social progress) through economic development (modernization), and the application of science and technology (scientific progress).
We can ask ourselves if technological evolution is always synonym of progress.
First of all, I will discuss the scientific progress. Then, I will speak the technological progress. Finally, I will show the dangers of this evolution.
First of all, the scientific progress. The twenty first century has known and still knows a lot of scientific progress. Indeed, we can quote the cloning (A clone is a set of strictly identical cells genetically because from an asexual reproduction. Cloning an organism is an artificial method of asexual reproduction), the genetically modified organisms or the designer baby.
In class, we studied two texts speaking of the designer baby, the text of Jodi Picoult title My Sister's Keeper and The Telegraph. A designer baby is a baby whose genes have been chosen by its parents and doctors so that it has particular characteristics.
We learn thanks to the text, that this evolution permits to save several persons thanks to the donation of organs but also to to prolong patients' lives or to improve the quality of their lives.
Then, we can speak about the technological progress. We studied several video concerning the technological progress. There is the video with the trolley equipped with a GPS. This trolley is equipped with also a scanner and a tab. Thanks to the tab, the consumer can search the product that we want and the GPS tell him, where is the product that he looking for. This is an evolution because its permits to gain time, is more convenient and more cheaper.
There is also, the automated production thanks to the robots. For example, we saw a video with a car without driver, this show the evolution in the technological progress or a new payment method with your mobile. It consists to set some expenses through your smartphone in front of a payment terminal.
However, the technological progress has not only positive aspects. Indeed, short term technical change can have a negative effect on employment, so on the growth. Innovations can have a negative effect on employment because they increase labor productivity. They can produce the same with less staff. And robotics in the automotive industry has led to massive waves of layoffs.
The technological progress has also an impact on the environment, the health and on the planet, we can quote the example of e-waste, studied in class. E-waste means electronic waste. The e-waste in developing countries cause many serious problems, plastics, rubber and printed circuit boards are burnt to obtain and sell the remains of metals. These dangerous processes cause a very important air pollution. Others dangerous materials can't be sold and are rejected in nature. However, several countries recycle materials such as copper, metal and aluminium.