Bac orale anglais IDEA OF PROGRESS
Discours : Bac orale anglais IDEA OF PROGRESS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Nino Don • 14 Mai 2018 • Discours • 462 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 346 Vues
The idea of progress can be defined as an improuvement , a d evelopement or a change in a technical, scientific or social advance wich contribuates to making the world at better palce or maybe worst. » » » »In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the internet and the social media And attempt o this question if the internet and the social media are beneificial or detrimental for the humanity ?FirstT we’re going to see the story of ed snowden who diffused at all the world the fact than the NSA collect the information about lots of people in the world and this information was not only for the way of the protectionHe show at everydody in the world that internet the social media was not securised and some organisation can collect all our personals information. Like we see recently with the proces of the number 1 of the social network facebook who was accused to use the personnals information of all the people who had an account on facebook for help politicians in the last elections in USA .BUT this is not the only dnager when you use inernet and the social media beacaus e we ‘re going to see with another document how the internet and the social medi can affect too the spirit of the people.
Ossenna O neil a scocial media star deletes his intagram account , published on youtube a video for explain their acts. She ‘s explain is this video how social media destroied her life. She denouce the fazct that we create a fake image of our in the social network, and we are misarable when we try to proving ourself on line to perfected ourself enought to be that perosn and f we lets ourself definided by numbers when we lets ourself defined by something is not real i s not pure like, views like followers You don’t need to prouve your values on social media to have to be valued.But that is not the only problem In our generation for the people who were born with this high technology with this internet are likejunky of the social media. they spend more time behind their scren-en than outside they can ‘t sprend a day whitout check thier instagram messenger snp ect this is becom a real addiction for our generations To conclude we saw with this document ,that the social media and internet are like all the progress their bring good and of course bad things to the society , i think the best way chemin for the society its will be to contu-inue to used internet and the social mediabut we have to try to be more independent of the new tehnology