Notion Anglais Idea of Progress
Fiche : Notion Anglais Idea of Progress. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Janosaraceb • 5 Février 2019 • Fiche • 804 Mots (4 Pages) • 846 Vues
The idea of progess.
First of all I’m gonna introduce you the following notion : idea of progress, it’s all about developping an idea which will lead to an advance, better conditions for example In France we progressed on the equal rights, on social equality. People are fighting for progress in many situations such as work, policy, economic subjects, health… In the USA the Obamacare law, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was a progress for them. Also a progress is something we do better than we did previously, such as getting a better grade on an exam. Progress can be also understood when we talk about countries, ie developping countries such as the brics, are progressing in the globalization… In fact, it’s a movement towards a goal, a development on a specify activity, an advancement in general.
To begin with, we’ll talk about how is sustainable development : economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.
and climate change : a long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due toan increase in the average atmospheric temperature a great illustration of this notion because people are constantly progressing or debating on that subject, there is a lot of controversies about it. So how does climate change and sustainable dvt are progressing nowadays with the example of China ?
First, according to a document we examined in class dealing with the largest producers of CO2 emissions worldwide in 2016, based on their share of global co2 emissions, we know China is the first polluting country with more than 28.20%, ahead the United States with 15.99%
Then, relying on a Lu Guang’s shot we worked on in class, where sheep sculptures are remplacing real ones who died from the emanations of industries in China. It represents well the problem of the Chinese growth and especially high-pollution producing.
Moreover, we know China is 2nd the largest economy in the world, and its growth and development has led to cosuming a lot of energy which obvs led to pollution, the discharching process of sewage and gas, oil, coal mines destroyed farmlands, grasslands and polluted water a lot just as the air. Over the past decade, factories moved all across the country, and since they moved from the east part of the country to its central one it expanded the area polluted, that’s why the situation is getting more and more concerning. This kind of problem is tackled by countries in different ways, but mainly discussed on the Conference of the Parties which is a convention based on the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent any danger for us, or the planet.
Besides, The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to put forward their best efforts through “nationally determined contributions” and to keep making these efforts in the years ahead. This includes requirements that all Parties report regularly on their emissions and on their implementation efforts.
We studied a press article from the NY Times about climate talks at the Bonn. It’s a sum-up of what happened during the 23rd conference at the Bonn. During this conference, parties congratulated themselves on another year saving the process, even if not the planet, and called on countries to be more ambitious in reducing their co2 emissions.