Archives du BAC
43 507 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 981 - 1 995
Anglais, interview
INTERVIEW - Hello! Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions? First I would like you to present your work and why did you choose to be an explorer? - As you said, I’m an explorer; I travel every day around the world, discovering new landscapes. I chose
346 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Jumping monkey hill
A. What is the story about? Jumping monkey hill is a short story about Ujunwa, which is a Nigerian middle classed young woman. We’ll see the development of Ujunwa through a writer’s conference organized by a Western man. This conference is held in a lodge named Jumping monkey hill. During
2 090 Mots / 9 Pages -
Anglais, l'ALENA
Document 1 *Présentation de l’entreprise et de son dirigeant, il explique sa stratégie de développement en UE. *comprendre les besoins des marchés. Les marchés sont spécifique au pays exemple pays chaud/ froid. *totale adaptation avec les consommateurs et les employés *Règlementation trop exigeant pour la France d’où un ralentissement de
329 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, la nature est en danger
There is a few weeks, my team and myself learnt the construction of a new resort in the middle of the famous nature reserve of Northumberland. However, this construction reveals some faults and cause some problems bound to the ecology and to the environment. It is not excess to define
303 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, les conjugaisons
Anglais Présent continu : BE + ING ≈20% du temps * « En train de … » * Description * Futur proche Présent simple : ≈80% du temps AUXILIAIRE : donne le temps de la phrase, DO/DOES * Habitudes * Définitions /Vérités générales Present Perfect : Since : point de
337 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, lettre.
Dr Crabblesnitch At the parents Bullworth In England, USA September , the 5 2016 Hello , I would like to share a problem of the students. In the school there are acts of violence, intimidation which creates tension. The groups harassing between them. The stronger will believe any permit. The
727 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, management
Main Ideas DETAILS Captain swenson He put this life at risk to save his men Leaders make employees /people trust in them Airport example : unfriendly employees do not trust them their managers Example 50,000 ago tribes need to trust their leaders to feel safe and protected Lifetime employment Company
320 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, mémoire très rapide
Anglais Quant à moi j’étais déjà parti en Irlande il y a deux ans en vacances avec mes parents, je suis allé à Dublin et J’ai donc déjà visité et découvert un peu ce pays magnifique, j’ai particulièrement apprécié ce pays c’est pourquoi j’ai eu envie d’y retourner et j’ai
386 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Mr Han
Lina Hajjar Mr Han 1. General comprehension 1. The story takes place in the USA. 2. In 1973, Mr Han was a student. “with 400 dollars in hisbillfold and a student visa in his passport”, “he had come to study Psychology” 3. Sixteen years later, Mr Han was a student
300 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, mythes et héros
Mythe et héros Je vais parler de la notion de mythes et de héros, et en particulier de la notion de mythes. Tout d’abord, je donnerais une définition du mythe: un mythe est une histoire qui peut être vraie ou non, ce peut être une croyance populaire, une tradition ou
1 517 Mots / 7 Pages -
ANGLAIS, NOTION N°=3 : PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER Back in the pioneer days, whether you were trying to get food for your family, or fighting off a wild animal to survive, guns were heavily relied on for every aspect of life. Recently, however, guns have increasingly been used by
780 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais, notion of creation
The discussed notion is a vision for the future from creation to adaptation. In order to preserve the world, with all its myriad communities, the notions of creation and adaptation play an important role for a better future through the adopting existing models of societies or the creation of new
660 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, oral comprehension
AUGUSTIN MAEVA 1ère L Thursday, 9th febuary 2017. COMPREHENSION ORALE 1. Complete the table. (8 pts) Number of speakers : Total : 3 Male : 2 Female : 1 Where does the scene probably take place? (justify) The boy tried to find her real mother So I think, the scene
509 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, oral type. des idées : /4points -Posture /cohérence des idées (débit adapté, respect de la consigne) : /3points -Richesse lexicale : / 4 points -Articulation du discours (however, first…) : /3points -Recevabilité linguistique : /3points -Prononciation/ 3point Good morning, thank you for inviting me in this programme. I’m an expert in
421 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Pop Art
Arnaud Sauerbach 2°8 English Select one artwork in the Museum and comment on it (describe, analyse and explain why you have chosen it). I choose Modular Painting with Four Panel of Roy Lichtenstein, (1969) Modular Painting is composed of four panels wich are identical both in their dimensions. The manner
267 Mots / 2 Pages