Archives du BAC
43 504 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 2 026 - 2 040
Anglais: Helen Soteriou
Helen Soteriou interviewed installation artist, designer and urban planner Candy Chang about projects she made throughout the years mainly across the USA, such as Before I Die, I wish I was (a sticker project), and Looking For Love Again. Wanting to make the cities she lives in more comfortable for
269 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: idée de progrès
-Anglais Idea of progress. I’m going to present you the notion of « the idea of progress ». First of all I’m going to give you a definition. The idea of progress basically consist in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, sciences, technology and liberty.
433 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: l'union sud africaine
l’union sud africaine 1911 première loi qui leur interdit l'accès a certain emploie 1912 ANC crée par des noir de famille aisé qui craignent la ségrégation le tribalisme rivalité ethnique societe des nation occuper la colonie allemande de la manibi riche en diamant 1922 les tmps sont dur pour les
326 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: La constitution des Etats-Unis
two hundred and twenty-one years ago, founding fathers wrote into the US Constitution that slaves were to be counted as three-fifths of a human being in the representative democracy that was being born. One hundred and forty-seven years ago, the states of the South launched the Civil War to defend
439 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: la nouvelle technologie
Theme Anglais Theme 1: Nouvelle technologie New technologies are a part of our daily life. Internet has positive but also negative aspects. Thanks to internet we can find a lot of information. Indeed, Internet is a new media that enables us to receive news from the World, to communicate and
487 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: la peine de mort
The crucifixion : Introduced by the church, nail the convict on a Christian cross. He doesn't die of thirst, exhaustion or bleeding but by asphyxiation. Indeed, He uses the muscles of shoulders, pectoral and intercostal to raise is body and help to breathe. This alternation between blocking and respiratory relaxation
673 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais: le salaire dans le sport
Are top pro athletes obscenely overpaid or are their wages justified ? « L’argent n’achète pas le bonheur. » Combien de fois avez-vous entendu cela ? Beaucoup de fois, je suis prêt à parier. Notre culture nous envoie deux messages très contradictoires sur l’argent. Le premier, un message qui nous
921 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais: Les difficultés de l'organisation
LES DIFFICULTES EVENTUELLES RENCONTREES, LES SOLUTIONS ADOPTEES : L’organisation, le fait de commencé par les choses qui doivent cuire ou reposé , donc on a fait une liste avec l’ordre des taches a faire dans la matinée. Sinon quelque technique que je ne maitrisé pas , j’ai donc demandé au
688 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais: les mots de liaison
Mots de liaison : all the same malgré tout, quand même // thus : par conséquent after all après tout // to this end : à cet effet Also, ... De plus, ... / De même, ... (préférer: moreover) as a consequence en conséquence, par conséquent as a matter of
224 Mots / 1 Pages -
Anglais: les temps
Simple Present FORM [VERB] + s/es in third person Examples: You speak English. Do you speak English? You do not speak English. Complete List of Simple Present Forms USE 1 Repeated Actions Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can
1 253 Mots / 6 Pages -
Anglais: Madame Tussauds
Madame Tussauds Madame Tussauds is a famous wax museum which is located in London. You will have the opportunity to meet in this museum all of your favorite celebrities in wax, and including Kylie Minogue, David Beckham, Jerry Springer, and Brad Pitt. Madame Tussaud's is very visit, and is experiencing
344 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: méthodologie pour décrire une photo
Anglais 1. Identifier sa nature This (photo/advertisement/ a painting/ a cartoon a strip cartoon/ a map 2. Son origin It’s dated (the 1st… the 2nd… the 3rd the 4th) Two thousand and twelve (2012) Nineteen ninety six (1996) 3. Décrire le document It consist of There is / a caption/
317 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: mobile phones
Intro : We will talk about mobile phones, it was created in 1973 and commercialized in 1983. It purpose is to help people in their daily lives, it makes their lives easier because they have access to a lot of things. They are constantly in evolution due to the actual
449 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: mythe et héros: Qui sont les héros de nos jours? Et quelles valeurs représentent-ils?
To present the notion of « myth and hereo » I chosen to answer following both questions: « Who are the modern day heroes? And what values do they represent? » The hereo realize incredible act and this is a person who have strong human condition. A lot of people to see their hero
500 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: myths and heroes
Anglais I am going to talk about the notion « Myths And Heroes ». Firt of all, I would like to give a definition of : - A myths : a myths is an imaginary construction which aims to be explanatory of social phenomena and expecially founder of a social
458 Mots / 2 Pages