Anglais: idée de progrès
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Anglais: idée de progrès. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Didi Oklm • 2 Décembre 2015 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 433 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 620 Vues
Idea of progress.
I’m going to present you the notion of « the idea of progress ». First of all I’m going to give you a definition. The idea of progress basically consist in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, sciences, technology and liberty. But a progress isn’t always good, it can be a negativ progress. Now I’m going to develop several aspect of the notion, firstly we will talk about the social networks, secondly we shall speak about the concept of designer babies and finally we shall speak about the case of Hugh Kerr.
The social networks enormously changed the life of people in the way they communicate.
They allow for a person to keep in touch with his friends and his family but also to know the current events and to share its information with the whole world.
But networks also possess inconveniences, the main thing is the flight of identity The personal information of the users can be used by doubtful people for illegal activities (the information such as the e-mail address, the name, the address, the age).
Other inconvenience is the harassment and the on-line tracking. Hostile people can easily spread false rumors on you.
The concept of designer babies shows a medical progress, he allows a couple to select one or several genes that he would not want on the embryo thanks to the method of in vitro fertilization. This method is often used by the couples which cannot have of children because this one would be born with a genetic disease and could die. This technique is revolutionary because she allows to select the genes and thus to avoid the genetic diseases. However this process does not delight everybody, certain people do not approve this method because they would want that the creation of a child is made in a natural way and that we do not try to perfect a baby.
The 3rd approached subject was the one of hugh Herr who is an American engineer been born in 1964 in Pennsylvania. It is known to be the creator of prostheses of biomechanical legs. Himself being amputated by his two legs owed to an accident of climbing he decides then to find to practise the cllimbing again. This invention is so revolutionary that the American army acquired it with the aim of creating sorts of cyborgs from this invention.
We can conclude by saying that the notion of "the idea of progress" is a very large notion which could contain positive or negative point. Truly a progress can be good in some case and bad in others.