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Devrions-nous avoir peur du progrès? (document en anglais)

Dissertation : Devrions-nous avoir peur du progrès? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Avril 2013  •  Dissertation  •  477 Mots (2 Pages)  •  976 Vues

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Should we fear progress ?

Progress grows day after day, experiences after experiences. We are always looking for new technology that will advance science or the world and it is not ready to stopping. The same researchers dedicate their time to this ... Thus, one might ask "Should we fear progress and why?" We will initially "negative examples illustrating progress" and a time secnond "positive examples illustrating progress".

To begin with, I'd like to speak about Applied Genetic manipulation to gender selection.

We saw in the paper "Genetic Manipulation and Gender Selection" that In the US, the Los Angles Institute of Fertility offers to couples to select the sex of their babies and that is not natural. A true scientific device now allows parents to choose the sex of their babies. The technique is called PGD. preimplantation genetic diagnosis. It is offered to couples by the Los Angeles Fertility Institue.

The detection of the major genetic diseases can certainly be considered as a progress, if such diseases can be treated, even cured.

Yet, we may also wonder if eugenics is not far from this. The selection of the best qualities to improve the human race might be tempting at some point.

Indeed, if we can choose the sex of her child, we may in the future choose the skin color, the color of her hair out of her eyes ... We then exceed ethical issues, which is not desirable. It is possible for them to choose the sex, the physical appearance and the genetic predisposition of their future child. This has become the natural way of engendering children in this society. In this scene, the process of genetic selection is presented as a real advantage for the children and parents. It is considered as the best possible start in life.

Furthermore, Cloning is also a worrying process. Novels like Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley in 1932 evoke such a subject. In Brave New World, the cloning p

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rocess is called Bokanovskification.

The idea is to create dozens of identical human beings who belong to the lower classes of the society and who will be submissive, who won't criticize the system.

Here, Progress leads to the standardization of the society. The novel aims at denouncing the excess of a technology- based society, in which developments are not under control...

We can also take the example of "Dolly the sheep". In fact, Dolly was the name given to a sheep famous for being the first cloned mammal in history by the team of Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell. After the cloning of animals, it is only a matter of time before it happens to humans.

Finally, we can talk about The Scopes Trial. He certainly allowed mentalities to evolve. So, People were afraid at the time. They were not ready for progress.

After seeing "negative examples illustrating progress", we will now "positive examples illustrating progress".

It ...


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