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Anglais: la nouvelle technologie

Dissertations Gratuits : Anglais: la nouvelle technologie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2014  •  487 Mots (2 Pages)  •  4 659 Vues

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Theme Anglais

Theme 1: Nouvelle technologie

New technologies are a part of our daily life. Internet has positive but also negative aspects.

Thanks to internet we can find a lot of information. Indeed, Internet is a new media that enables us to receive news from the World, to communicate and to express ourselves. However, internet is a public space where everybody can share his private life on social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. On one hand, these websites are good because they are a new kind of entertainment and it can reinforce social links. On the other hand, we have to be careful and keep control about the respect of our private life.

Moreover, Internet is a very practical tool. We can save time by making on-line orders which we receive directly at home. But, once again, we have to be careful ! To pay online, we need to send our secret banking data and it is risky. We have to pay attention to the hiden virus and cyber swindling. Online commerce can also cause problems. For example, we can buy numeric books which are cheaper and very useful but bookshops suffer from this competition.

I think that internet can be very practical and make the life easier but that we should not make an excessive use of it and that it is necessary to be careful and responsible when we surf on the Web.

Theme 2 : Ellis Island

Ellis Island is an island located in the mouth of Hudson river in New York, less than one kilometer from the North of Liberty Island which shelters the Statue of Liberty. It was, in the first part of the 20th (twentieth) century, the main entrance of the immigrants who arrived in the United States. The immigration services worked from January 1st, 1892 until November, 12th 1954. During this period, twelve million of immigrants arrived in the United States by Ellis Island. The island was managed by the federal government and is now a part of the national monument of the Statue of Liberty, under the jurisdiction of the National Parks Service of the United States. There is a huge and very famous museum. This museum has been built for tourists but also for the American citizens who want to understand their ancestors’ origins. The island’s territory is divided between the city of Jersey City in New Jersey and New York City in the State of New York. The island appeared then as the best solution, allowing to isolate the migrants before they have an authorization to settle down in the United States and to avoid the evasions.

Finally, I think that Ellis Island was the main gate of the United States. Thus, it was the first step to achieve the famous American Dream. Nowadays, the island is still a very symbolic monument. Its conservation is very important to remind the origins of the « American Melting Pot ».


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