Archives du BAC
43 504 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 2 011 - 2 025
Anglais, vocabulaire
Nearly : Presque / près / pratiquement Verbe + ally Pick up : prendre / chercher / ramasser Lately (debut de la phrase) : dernièrement / recemment / ces derniers temps Alike : tant Have begun « ing » après : ont commencé Regardless : sans tenir compte will oversee
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Anglais, vocabulaire
ANGLAIS Halls : résidence universitaire To be kicked off: se faire renvoyer / être renvoyé To worsen: empirer To sweep: (balayer) large d’envergure et d’effet Campaigners: militant (or activist) Currently: actuellement The shore: le rivage/la rive Eventually : finalement Now : I am doing (verbe + -ing) Past, now or
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Anglais, vocabulaire.
Addiction : accoutumance Afflict : toucher / affecter Anonymous : anonyme App : application At least : au moins Auction : vente aux enchères Because of : à cause de Behaviour : comportement Besides : de plus, par ailleurs Bilingual : bilingue Brand : marque Broadly : largement But :
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Anglais, what can you say about the references to the Constitution?
Anglais I. Complete the following sentences, adding between 10 and 25 words. You may only write one sentence. (20 points) 1. Pursuant to the three-fifths compromise wanted to limit the demographic weight provided by numerous slaves in some States, which tried to get more influence at Congress 2. Article I,
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Anglais, Wrestling
Wrestling is a sport-entertainment indeed in a match each wrestler plays a role, usually the "nice" (called Face) against the "wicked" (called Heel). The resulting match is decided beforehand by "bookers" (or writers) and must obviously be accepted by the participants to the game runs smoothly and without misunderstanding a
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Anglais- Etude de cas
GERARD Benjamin NDRC1 // Epreuve LV1 (03/06/2020) 1. Compréhension Depuis le vingt-et-unième siècle il existe une nouvelle tournure aux carrière conventionnel. En effet le vingt-et-unième siècle était l'époque des emplois à plein temps, si on regarde aujourd'hui par exemple dans le secteur industriel, il existe 25 à 40 pour 100
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Anglais- Notion Idée de Progrès : La silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is characterized by specific ingredients: brilliant scientists, high-risk businesses, rapid success or failure, job mobility, and informal behavior. I)Silicon Valley is useful to cure people Nowadays, Silicon Valley is useful to cure people. Indeed, big tech companies like Goggle have developed nanoparticles which could detect diseases faster as
271 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais. Presentation of a professional experience.
I am going to make a company presentation and my professional experience. System U is a cooperative of French mass distributors chaired by Serge Papin. The co-operative groups Hyper U, Super U, U Express, and Utile. The headquarters are in Rungis (France).The first Hyper is opened in 1983 (nineteen eighty-three).
795 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais: Be, Have, Do.
Ces trois verbes sont d’utilisation très courante. Ils ont pourtant, selon les contextes, de nombreuses significations qu’il convient de connaître pour éviter des erreurs de compréhension et de rédaction. Anglais - Bac toutes séries Be, Have, Do Ces trois verbes sont d’utilisation très courante. Ils ont pourtant, selon les contextes,
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Anglais: distribution in a business
Distribution means to spread the product throughout the marketplace so that a large number of people can buy it. Commercial distribution is part of the physical distribution. It's essentially the transfer of propriety over a product from the producer to the user/consumer. This transfer can be made via what are
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Anglais: Espace et échanges
Nocion: Espace et échange Traduction: Space and exchanges How internet he changed our social behaviour? In first time I will talk about “Violent Videogames” In second time I will talk about “Google generation” Violent Videogames This document will be about children who became violent because they have played videogames too
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Anglais: étude d'un article dont le titre est " Online social : networking : for better or worse ? "
Partie 1 Ce document est un article dont le titre est " Online social : networking : for better or worse ? ". Il parle des réseaux sociaux sur internet, en abordant leurs aspects positifs et négatifs. Il se décompose en cinq parties : les utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux, une
996 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension
Exercices d’aide à la compréhension Exercice 1 Online Social Networking (document 1) Circle the correct answer and justify with elements from the text. 1. According to the text, social networking is becoming more and more popular because ... a) it is trendy. b) it is easier to use and safer.
534 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais: Facebook
Facebook Personal use: I use Facebook from time to time to look at the pictures or what people tell or write on the wall of my friends nothing more. Danger of facebook: -The problem of privacy The exposure of any private life at all other users. Family photos, stories with
363 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais: grammaire
1. Superlatif forms short : the oldest / the latest Superlatif forms long : the most irresistible / the most interesting Comparative forms short : later than / older than Comparative forms long : more interesting than / more irresistible than 2. Superlative : the biggest / the busiest /
537 Mots / 3 Pages