Anglais: la peine de mort
Guide pratique : Anglais: la peine de mort. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kiraza • 27 Novembre 2017 • Guide pratique • 673 Mots (3 Pages) • 950 Vues
The crucifixion : Introduced by the church, nail the convict on a Christian cross. He doesn't die of thirst, exhaustion or bleeding but by asphyxiation. Indeed, He uses the muscles of shoulders, pectoral and intercostal to raise is body and help to breathe. This alternation between blocking and respiratory relaxation can creates cramps leading to the asphyxiation.
The decapitation : A blade came down on the neck of the condemned person, and beheaded him. She can be realized by guillotine, axe or sword. No suffering, We could think, if the person was immediately beheaded. However,The History registered some defects. For instance, the execution of Louis Lefèvre, in nineteen sixteen. Two tries were needed. Saudi Arabia is the only country to still practise the beheading. According to the report of Amnesty International, the last case goes back in two thousand and ten .
The hanging : With this mode of execution, the condemned person dies generally from a break of the spinal cord caused by the fall of the body during the opening of a trapdoor on which he is put. On the other hand, this system of trapdoor doesn't exist in Iran where the condemned person dies of asphyxiation. The hanging is still practised in the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, North Korea, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Sudan and Syria.
The shooting: Often reserved for the servicemen, this mode of execution varies from a country to an other one: there is sometimes only one gunman or a firing squad. The shooters have to damage a vital organ to cause the death. Generally, one of rifle is filled with blanks, what allows every soldier to think that he is not the author of the mortal bullet. The shooting is an official mode of execution in Somalia and North Korea.
The electric chair : Elaborated in the end of the 19th century to end hangings, considered too cruel, it is essentially used in the United States. We place electrodes on the skin of the condemned person. But about ten seconds are generally necessary to make the condemned person unconscious. In the 1980s, more and more States practising this method choose to abandon it to adopt the death penalty by injection. Nebraska will be the last State to abandon it in 2008 for infringement on the human dignity, the Supreme Court considering it unconstitutional.
Death by fire : The judgment of the pyre is certainly one of the most famous techniques of execution of the history. The sentenced for the convict was burnt alive on the village square to exemplify the population. At first it is used for hunted the witches, under religious intentions.
The stonning : The accused is then the target of stony jets, traditionally executed by the people. It is certainly the form of the cruelest execution: the condemned person is buried until the size or the breast. The executioners throw him then stones above until death follows. She is legal in Afghanistan, in the Sudan and in the Yemen.
Lethal injection : Execution by intravenous injection of three successive products: the sodic thiopental to anesthetize the condemned person, the pancuronium intended to paralyze muscles, this product is not necessary to provoc death but it just serves to return the more deserving death for the condemned person. And to finish some potassium chloride, causing a cardiac arrest.
The alive burying