Anglais: myths and heroes
Dissertation : Anglais: myths and heroes. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Marjorie Verger • 17 Décembre 2018 • Dissertation • 458 Mots (2 Pages) • 917 Vues
I am going to talk about the notion « Myths And Heroes ». Firt of all, I would like to give a definition of :
- A myths : a myths is an imaginary construction which aims to be explanatory of social phenomena and expecially founder of a social pratice according to the fundamental values of a community.
- And a hero : a hero is a person who is admired for their courage outstanding achivements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book, or a film, or a superhumain qualities. It can be also a modern hero , a person who has performed a heroic act.
The key question is : Should athletes be considered as heros ?
In the first place, I want to talk about Tommie Smith, the former holder of the world records of 200 and 400 m, and secondarily we are going to speak about Oscar Pistorius, the Current holder of the world records of 100 m sport for people with disabilities. Why this two athletes are for one a hero for the world and for other is a simply athletes ?
Firstly, Tommie Smith won the gold medal and used his moment on the stand to give a message about the position of Black people on the American society. At the time, as we studied in an extract of Tommie Smith's autobiography published in 2008, Smith know this was dangerous and he has risking his life. He would have been able be killed as Martin Luther King in 19¬¬65, He was assassinated for supporting the equality between blacks and whites. So I can say he is a hero.
Secondly, I want to talk to disable athletes. Most of disabled athletes can be considered as heroes beacause they do things seem imposssible like racing without fett or legs, shooting while blind. Of course, being disabled doesn’t turn you into a good person.
Oscar Pistorius is a disabled athletes, he wanted run to race able-bodies athletes in the Olympic Games.
Then, Oscar Pistorius assasinated has girlfriend, he shot her through a door and now he is in prison. So I can’t say he is a hero.
In conclusion, I thinks that some athletes may be considered as heros like Muhammad Ali with his medal of peace in the name of the United Nations Organization " for its commitment in favour of the American movement against the segregation and for the cultural emancipation of the Blacks at the world level ". but not all of them.