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Anglais, mémoire très rapide

Étude de cas : Anglais, mémoire très rapide. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Avril 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  386 Mots (2 Pages)  •  693 Vues

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Quant à moi j’étais déjà parti en Irlande il y a deux ans en vacances avec mes parents, je suis allé à Dublin et

J’ai donc déjà visité et découvert un peu ce pays magnifique, j’ai particulièrement apprécié ce pays c’est pourquoi j’ai eu envie d’y retourner et j’ai pensée qu’un programme comme Erasmus serait une super opportunité pour découvrir un peu plus le pays et surtout apprendre l’anglais.

J’avais trouvé un studio with many facilities but the price is too expensive for my awn salery

Before leaving for Ireland I had looked at the various rents of apartment. I found apartments close to the  university. After having contact with the owner. I fast realized that it would be difficult to live only because the rent was very high.

 I win approximately 600 euro a month by working every weekend and in the evenings in the week

We  decided to live together

When we arrived in dublin, we going together in the appartement , after then we  went to the bar to see our new boss, to introduce our self and see our new workplaces.

After that we went to the university to see our referent and to take our time table

 We going  in banking agency, because we had to open a bank account

We asked many questions to the employ of the  bank, about the limit of overdraft, how we can withdraw money

We applied a lot of advice that the people who had already made the programs gave to us

We didn’t stay at home, we go out to meet people, we don’t use skype to call our parents many time.

We lived the adventure completely

What decided on me to make a erasmus  program in Ireland, it is that I left for vacancy to Dublin with my parents and I found that irland is a butiful  country and i met extremely nice people

I  wanted to discover a little more this country and the culuture while continuing my studies and  learning English in the same time, that why i dicided to go in irland

On a trouvé tous les deux un travail dans un bar non loin de l’appartement

Moi je travaille dans le même bar que Julie je suis barman les soir de la seamine et du week end principalement



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