Anglais, management
Étude de cas : Anglais, management. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Licinio Goncalves • 28 Avril 2021 • Étude de cas • 320 Mots (2 Pages) • 543 Vues
Main Ideas | DETAILS |
Captain swenson | He put this life at risk to save his men |
Leaders make employees /people trust in them | Airport example : unfriendly employees do not trust them their managers Example 50,000 ago tribes need to trust their leaders to feel safe and protected |
Lifetime employment | Company will take care of employees in case of issues insted of fring them |
Unpaid vacation / unpaid leave | Cuting back on the working hours and payment, which means that people work less and earn a bit less |
To lay off people : licencier des gens
Salary : salaire
Insurance : assurance
To make one’s way to : se mettre en route pour
He happened to have a go-pro : par coïncidence il avait une go-pro
We have it backwards / it is the opposite : c’est l’inverse
To put one’s life at risk : mettre sa vie en péril
To trust each other : faire confiance de l’un a l’autre
To render a business model obsolete : rendre un modèle économique obsolète
To set the tone : donner le ton
Treat people like cattel : traiter les gens comme du bétail
To face de danger : faire face au danger
To seize the opportunities : saisir les opportunités
To try and fail : essayer et rater
To come up with a plan : venir avec un plan
To be required to do sth : devoir faire face a qqch
Senior level of an organization : employés haut placés
To look after someone : surveiller qqn
Wages : salaires
Sick pay : paiement pendant l’arrêt maladie
Incentives : avantages
To take sth for granted : prendre pour acquis
Permanent contact : Cdi
Temporary contact : cdd
Self employed : autoentrepreneur
Competing : competitive
Crisis sg 🡪 Crises pl
Analysis sg 🡪 Analyses pl
Shareholders : actionnaires
Warehouse : entrepôt
COO : chief operations officer
Departement in a operatives : communication, humane relations…
Recruit : recruter
To follow up = to track