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Anglais oral bac lv 2
Anglais oral : Miths et héros : Quelle sont les différents type de héros et qu'elle sont leurs influences sur nous ? Which are different the type of hero and what it is their influences on us? Intro : I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and
1 294 Mots / 6 Pages -
Anglais oral Guns
Lieux et formes de pouvoirs I'm going to talk about the concept: places and forms of power. Power is the ability to influence people's behavior. Power in politics is divided into three categories: executive, judicial and legislative. In order to create social cohesion, the members of a society accept rules,
468 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais oral mythe et héros: how can an ordinary person make the world a better place and thus become a hero ?
Myths and heroes. Gerard Way said once that heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. A hero is someone who is admired for his courage and outstanding qualities. His acts of heroism can be conveyed through shows, art, music, poetry, politics, etc. Some heroes can be real or imaginary,
1 145 Mots / 5 Pages -
Anglais Oral Notion
EXPRESSION ORALE ANGLAIS 1 . a Many inequalities among citizens are present in India that's why, i'm going to talk about the Caste – System that is to say The Dalits. The Dalits, also called Intouchables or Harijans, are groups of individuals considered, from the caste system point of view,
469 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Pet dogs are the new must-have accessory at the smarter office
I. Write the rapport of this in english This text is untitled «Pet dogs are the new must-have accessory at the smarter office » and extracted form the American newspaper The Guardian. It’s date back May 7th 2017 and deals with companies use the animals of companies to reduce the
388 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais places et formes de pouvoir
Seats and forms of power I am going to talk about the notion of locations and Forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of that notion. Power is a strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, power is synonym of might. He
1 789 Mots / 8 Pages -
Anglais Power
ORAL ANGLAIS Introduction : * I’m going to develop the notion of Power, especially about the Black in the USA * I’m going to consider how they have achieved recognition in the USA. * First, I’m going to develop segregation and then the fight for the rights, and next recognition
451 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais prince
Axel KEBAILI TES3 Anglais J :Hello your royal Highness , thank you for coming to answer our questions about this incredible adventure to south pole, the Scott and Amundsen race. Your royal highness, why are you supporting this race ? W : Scott and Amundsen race is amazing, a race
432 Mots / 2 Pages -
11/10/2018 groupe de 15 UE 6.2 : Anglais (Séance n°2) Vocabulaires : * To hear : entendre * Ears : oreilles * The mumps : oreillons * Earache : otite * Illness : disease * Calf : mollet * The upper limbs : membres supérieurs * The lower limbs :
527 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais récap temps
L'expression du présent Présent simple : S + BV (→ aux = do/does) Le présent simple permet de parler de ses goûts, d'une habitude, d'une vérité générale ou pour annoncer un événement programmé. Repérage (adverbes de fréquence) : nerver (jamais) + rarely (rarement) + sometimes (parfois) + often (souvent) +
754 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais Retromania
Looking back to the future Nostalgia and sign of hope As grand parents fancy to remember the past by watching over and over their favorite shows from the 50’, people experience a similar feeling when they watch at ancient or alike ancient film. The black and white movie The Artist
580 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais révision
MARKETING D) LES FORMES PRISES PAR LA COMUNICATON COMMERCIAL 1) La promotion des ventes De façon plus générale les professionnels reconnaissent trois qualités majeures aux actions de promotion, qui sont autant d’objectifs : * Un fort pourvoir de communication (les opérations promotionnelles attirent l’attention) EX : Leclerc qui fait une
1 248 Mots / 5 Pages -
Anglais Silk Road
Angtlais Since the begging of international commerce, actors are always looking for new routes in order to gain time, productivity, profitability. We may ask if the reopening of the silk road is a source of opportunity or is it representing a threat? First of all, we are going to focus
265 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Slow descent into hell'
A time correspondent is reporting on the nation's destitute. He has met one of them washing in a public rest-room. George, 28, is a stocky. round-faced former hight school basketball star who once made a living as a construction worker. But after he lost his job just over a year
486 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais sociologique
US POLITICS AND THE MEDIA QCM media : main means of mass communication (tv radio, newspaper, internet)) new media : constant tension ⇒ supplying vital civic information (audience = voters) OR / AND => generating profits within a business structure audience = consumers) how does the US media inform the public and to
2 728 Mots / 11 Pages