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43 507 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 906 - 1 920

  • Anglais Marketing

    Anglais Marketing

    Marketing Even if you make the best product in the world, if you don’t have the right marketing policy, you will probably fail to sel lit. Identifying customers’ current and future needs in order to make the right product to satisfy them thanks to market research. 1. Study the market

    738 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais MCO

    Anglais MCO

    DEVOIR D’ANGLAIS Sarah LOUBERE I-PARTIE Ce texte intitulé The futur of work. How will you adapt ? publié Le 25 Octobre 2016 par le journal Britannique The guardian aborde le sujet du monde du travail de demain, ses changements, ses nouveautés et sa façon aborder les nouvelles stratégies de travail.

    431 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais monde contemporain

    Anglais monde contemporain

    AMC: Calexico Slide 1: Calexico is a city and a port of entry located at the southern end of the Imperial Valley and is separated from the city of Mexicali in Mexico, by a reinforced steel fence. Founded in 1900, Calexico was once a tent town for the Imperial Land

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais Myths and Heroes : The American Dream

    Anglais Myths and Heroes : The American Dream

    La Banque d'Amsterdam -Une banque est un établissement financier spécialiser dans l’émission et le commerce de la monnaie. Il qui reçoit et avance des fonds, facilite les paiements par des prêts . Les banques assurent pour l’Etat la traçabilité des opérations financières et luttent contre les trafics. -La Wisselbank

    767 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais notion

    Anglais notion

    1) Myths and heroes In the everyday language myths and heroes are often associated. Indeed, in our western society we’re highly influenced by the greek and roman civilization where myths are usually starring one or more heroes. But myths aren’t only about heroes and they’re stories. A myth is a

    665 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais notion des formes de pouvoirs terminale L

    Anglais notion des formes de pouvoirs terminale L

    Anglais LVO révisions: Guns + Capital punishment GUNS In the USA, people can buy a gun when they turn 21. There are some states where it's allowed to go to the supermarket or to take your kids to scholl with a gun. In the USA, there are more guns than

    1 577 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Anglais notion Myths and Heroes

    Anglais notion Myths and Heroes

    ANGLAIS MYTHES ET HEROS I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths and hero. First I define notion of myths and heroes. Heroes are the people who help the individuals in difficulty, who show their courage and who present themselves as true models that embody an ideal. Moreover a

    456 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais notion of power

    Anglais notion of power

    ANGLAIS NOTION OF POWER INTRO The power is an ability to influence and control other people, events or ressources, hence (=d'ou) some conflicts between those who own it. This is why i choose to speak about the american culture to illustrate the notion of power, yes indeed, the usa represent

    1 574 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Anglais notion woman situation

    Anglais notion woman situation

    Notion 1 : Progress Today, I am going to deal with the notion of progress who refers forward movement. To illustrate this notions, I will take about women's situation from 1950's until today. Indeed, the case of women relates to the idea of ​​progress because their positions and their rights

    795 Mots / 4 Pages


    My name is Nicolas Ligeiro. I'm Eigthteen. I live in Foissac it's small village near Uzes in the south of France . I'm student at the Mfr where i'm studying to get a vocational baccalaureate in service to people and territories that means that I'm trained to take care of

    353 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais oral

    Anglais oral

    Father, wear a toast with his glass: Here we are now, around this table to celebrate chrisma’s day, and I’m thanking God every day for giving me a wife, and a wonderful daughter. And now let’s leave to celebration! (The family is sitting around the table, they are all looking

    671 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais oral

    Anglais oral

    Lieux et formes de pouvoir I am going to talk about places and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources and places can also be a country or a state,

    461 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais Oral

    Anglais Oral

    ANGLAIS Hello, today i will talk about the notion places and forms of power. First of all, i would like to give a quick definition of the world « POWER », power is the ability to influence the behavior people. It’s the capacity to exerce control or authority over other.

    479 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais oral

    Anglais oral

    Myths and heroes Most of superheros had difficult childhood; They are often orphan, or their parents are deadth when they were young like batman, this can become a force. The transition from a normal life to a superhero life can be poorly lived. Superhero's work is not easy, even if

    256 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais oral bac / Myths and heroes

    Anglais oral bac / Myths and heroes

    I’m going to talk about the notion Myths and heroes. First of all, we can define a hero like a person who is admired for his bravery, outstanding achievements or noble qualities, sometimes a hero is a person endangering his own life. So, we are going to look at this

    424 Mots / 2 Pages
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